Mod Ferdinand's Flowers by c0_0ry

  • Ferdinand's Flowers by c0_0ry

    Adds over 200 beautiful flowers, plants and other wonderful growing things to your Minecraft World!!
    • 2.57 MB
    • 1.19.2
    • November 17, 2017
    • January 29, 2023
    • Cosmetic
      World Gen
    Ferdinand's Flowers
Mod Information
NameFerdinand's FlowersAuthorc0_0ryDescriptionAdds over 200 beautiful flowers, plants and other wonderful growing things to your Minecraft World!!
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 2.57 MB
Updated at: January 29, 2023
Created at: November 17, 2017
World Gen

 Adds over 200 beautiful flowers, plants and other wonderful growing things to your Minecraft World!!


Make beautiful gardens or just enjoy the colorful surroundings.   

Flowers are great for any sort of decoration




- Flowers generate based on biomes.

- Flowers generate in mixed groups of different flowers.

- Some of the flowers will generate in more than one biome.

- All flowers are real types found irl

- Deserts have a unique set of flowers that are native to hotter climates and only generate in those biomes.

- Flowers work with bees

- Beach Flowers

- Bamboo- must be crafted currently, no world gen

- Berries

- Flowering Water Lilies

- Flowering Vines

- Mushrooms that generate in caves as well as above ground. Give off a slight glow

- Craftable Mushrooms that can be placed on logs or sides of blocks like they are growing out of the wood

- Craft some flowers into wooden trellis.

- Stone path

- Cobblestone stairs with flowers on sides

- Large planters and vases



'the Story of Ferdinand' is a children's book that I loved when I was young.  The main character is a bull named Ferdinand that "liked to sit just quietly and smell the flowers."



Special thanks to Waylanderou for the

amazing help with the code setup for the update!!



You may use this mod in your mod pack.

Please do not repost to other sites.