Mod FlatSigns by Myrathi
- 37.06 KB
- 1.7.10
- June 23, 2013
- October 24, 2014
- Cosmetic
Name | FlatSigns | Author | Myrathi | Description | FlatSigns provides new sign functionality allowing signs to be placed flat on the ceiling or the floor and edited via sponges. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.7.10 Size: 37.06 KB Updated at: October 24, 2014 Created at: June 23, 2013 | Tags | Cosmetic |
FlatSigns is a mod, by Myrathi, providing new sign functionality that allows signs to be placed flat on the ceiling or the floor (via sneak click).
You can also make sponges to edit existing signs.
Minecraft 1.7.10
As of v2.0.0 build 17, the mod supports the 1.7.10 client and, as of v2.1.0 build 19, there are (optional via config) sponge recipes.
Minecraft 1.6.2
As of v1.4.0 build 15, the mod supports the 1.6.2 client.
Minecraft 1.5.2
As of v1.3.1 build 13, sponges and sponge wipes can be created and used to edit signs in-place.
Minecraft 1.5.1
In the early versions of the mod, signs can be placed on ceilings and, if sneak is held, flat on the floor.
How It Works
There are no "new" sign blocks - you simply "place" a normal sign on the ceiling or sneak-place it on the floor. Everything should work as you'd expect!
How do you edit a sign? You right-click a sponge or sponge wipe on it.
To make a sponge (which is usually only available in creative mode), simply throw yellow wool into water or onto the ground when it's raining. It'll soak up the water. SHLOOP! You have a sponge!
Alternatively, there are shapeless recipes (which can allow for automation) which can be turned off via the config file: a piece of yellow wool with either a water bucket or three(3) glass bottles of water.
The problem with sponge is that it's not very durable. The solution? You make it into sponge wipes! Simply craft a sponge with a piece of cactus green (to give it a rougher side) et voilà: you have something akin to a steel-wool pad!
You can also place sponge beside a sign (without editing it) by sneaking while placing the sponge. It won't be "used" but will, instead, appear as a block.
See the FTB wiki page.
Other Mods by Me
You can find a list in my Mod Compendium on the FTB forum or on my CurseForge profile.