Mod Forgery by unascribed

  • Forgery by unascribed

    A huge collection of vanilla tweaks and small features. Trident improvements, bugfixes, furnace minecart changes, note block enhancements, old lava, old logo, oh my!
    • 1.01 MB
    • 1.16.5
    • January 6, 2021
    • September 21, 2023
    • Miscellaneous
      Server Utility
      Utility & QoL
Mod Information
NameForgeryAuthorunascribedDescriptionA huge collection of vanilla tweaks and small features. Trident improvements, bugfixes, furnace minecart changes, note block enhancements, old lava, old logo, oh my!
Version: 1.16.5
Size: 1.01 MB
Updated at: September 21, 2023
Created at: January 6, 2021
Server Utility
Utility & QoL

Support me and my mods


Forgery is a large collection of vanilla tweaks and small features I wanted or thought would be neat. Everything is configurable.

It is the Forge counterpart to Fabrication. (Forgery is really a disguised version of Fabrication; it's just that mod but transformed to work under Forge.)

107 115 116 125 133 136 141 182 185 202 205 215 256 259 261 261 features and counting.


A list of all the features (click to go to the wiki for more details and demonstration videos/images):

General - Broad features and global settings
  • Balance - Changes to vanilla balance
  • Experiments - Bad ideas given form
  • Fixes - Fixes for bugs and weird behavior
  • Mechanics - New mechanics and powerful additions
  • Minor Mechanics - Small additions to vanilla mechanics
  • Pedantry - Fixes for non-problems
  • Tweaks - Minor changes that fit with vanilla
  • Unsafe - QoL changes that make cheating easier
  • Utility - Useful tidbits that don't modify gameplay
  • Weird Tweaks - Opinionated changes
  • What's Old Is New Again - Forward ports of forgotten tidbits
  • Dark Mode - Makes the config screen darker
  • Data Upload - Enables submitting anonymous data to a self-hosted privacy-respecting Matomo instance run by unascribed
  • Limit Runtime Configs - Makes the game a teensy bit faster, but requires a restart to change features
  • Reduced Motion - Disables high-motion animations in the Fabrication config screen
Fixes - Fixes for bugs and weird behavior Utility - Useful tidbits that don't modify gameplay Tweaks - Minor changes that fit with vanilla Minor Mechanics - Small additions to vanilla mechanics Mechanics - New mechanics and powerful additions
  • Anvil Repair - Allows right-clicking on an anvil with a Block of Iron to repair it one stage
  • Bottled Air - Filling a glass bottle underwater refills 1 air bubble
  • Broken Gear Drops Components - Makes gear drop its consituent items when broken
  • Detecting Powered Rails - Allows using a comparator on a powered rail just like a detector rail
  • Directional Detector Rails - Placing magenta glazed terracotta under a detector rail makes it only detect minecarts moving in the direction of the arrow
  • Directional Powered Rails - Placing magenta glazed terracotta under a powered rail makes it push minecarts in the direction of the arrow, even from a stop
  • Enhanced Moistness - Entities are considered "wet" for 5 seconds after leaving a source of wetness
  • Colorful Redstone - Redstone on top of wool will not connect to redstone on top of a different color of wool
  • Swap Conflicting Enchants - When adding enchants that would normally not be compatible it will instead get added in an inactive state
  • Weaponized Pearls - Pearls will teleport entities they hit and pull nearby ones
  • Grindstone Disenchanting - Placing a book in the bottom slot of a Grindstone when disenchanting an item will transfer the enchantments onto the book
  • Obsidian Tears - Lets you set your spawn at a Crying Obsidian block; automatable
  • Pursurvers - Adds "Pursurvers", observers with a Purpur block next to them, that can detect left-clicks on their watched block
  • Slow Fall Splash On Inanimates - Slow fall splash potions affect inanimates (minecarts, arrows, etc) making them unaffected by gravity
  • Toggleable Furnace Carts - Powered rails stop furnace carts when appropriate and conserve their fuel
  • Wool Protected Sheep - Sheep wool slightly reduces some types of damage
Balance - Changes to vanilla balance Weird Tweaks - Opinionated changes What's Old Is New Again - Forward ports of forgotten tidbits Unsafe - QoL changes that make cheating easier Pedantry - Fixes for non-problems Experiments - Bad ideas given form




There is no rhyme or reason to the collection.

Most things work server-side.


The config file is a classic INI for additional nostalgia and suffering.


For a description of all features in the mod including screenshots and videos, please read >> the wiki <<


Some of the things Fabrication modifies are tridents, note blocks, observers, furnace minecarts, ...

It also contains a facsimile of Apathetic Mobs and Hunger Strike.


Curse comments are impossible for me to keep track of and have been disabled.

All bug reports must go to GitHub Issues.

All feature requests must go to GitHub Discussions.

Come discuss this mod and any of my others on Discord or Matrix, or send me an email.