Mod Frosted Friends by Furti_Two
- 903101
- 493.24 KB
- 1.20.1
- December 23, 2019
- August 13, 2023
- CosmeticMCreatorMagicMobs
Mod Information
Name | Frosted Friends | Author | Furti_Two | Description | ⛄ Create your own snowman ! |
Information | Downloads: 903101 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 493.24 KB Updated at: August 13, 2023 Created at: December 23, 2019 | Tags | Cosmetic MCreator Magic Mobs |
The "Frosted Friends" mod adds refrigerated items! It also allows you to make your own snowman by hand, you just need a snow layer to start making one! You just have to roll it and then collect your pile of snow with a shovel, to finally pile them up! You can personalize your frosted friends with seeds, carrots and other accessories !
(install JEI to see all the recipes)
I'm French and this mod was done with Mcreator (Sorry if I make mistakes in English 😅)
The mod adds snow shovels that allow you to remove snow in a 3x3 area :

Pile of Snow, Heap of Snow and Mound of Snow :
Here's how to make your own snowman :
Here are the different snowman part :
Here are the different combination possibilities :
You can wear the snowman hats yourself :

The fridge allows you to make ice and snow (with a right click) without going to a specific biome :
With the mod, when you break ice, you collect ice cubes :
You can make tools with packed ice cubes :
You can put this mod in your modpack.