Mod Fx Control! by McJty

  • Fx Control! by McJty

    Control Player Effects under various conditions
    • 5841154
    • 120.64 KB
    • 1.19.3
    • February 6, 2019
    • April 27, 2023
    • Server Utility
    Fx Control!
Mod Information
NameFx Control!AuthorMcJtyDescriptionControl Player Effects under various conditions
InformationDownloads: 5841154
Version: 1.19.3
Size: 120.64 KB
Updated at: April 27, 2023
Created at: February 6, 2019
Server Utility

This is a simple mod that gives you full control on player effects based on various conditions. It is based on a rule system. The rule file is located in config/rfcontrol.


There are currently five rule files (as of 0.1.0):

  • effects.json: with this file you can add potion effects or set the player on fire based on various conditions. You can use this to give the player various potion effects or set him/her on fire. The conditions can be anything like dimension, time of the day, biome, block the player is standing on, items he is holding, ...
  • breakevents.json: with this file you can control what happens when the player tries to break a block
  • placeevents.json: with this file you can control what happens when the player tries to place a block
  • leftclicks.json: with this file you can control what happens with the player left-clicks a block
  • rightclicks.json: with this file you can control what happens when the player right-clicks a block

This mod is also compatible with Lost Cities (rules based on buildings for example), Baubles, Serene Seasons, and Game Stages.


More in-depth documentation can be found in this wiki: Fx Control! Wiki