Mod Gamestage Books by IterationFunk
- 23.51 KB
- 1.12.2
- June 20, 2018
- July 4, 2019
- AddonsArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Mod Information
Name | Gamestage Books | Author | IterationFunk | Description | Gamestage unlocks through configurable books. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 23.51 KB Updated at: July 4, 2019 Created at: June 20, 2018 | Tags | Addons Armor, Tools, and Weapons |
Github page
Crafttweaker addon that generate books which unlock gamestages. You can set things like what color the book should be, and what item it should display as a header when the book is used to unlock the stage.
Put all of the books in a separate script. The first line must be #loader gamestagebooks
This ensures that the script is during preInit, so that items & their models can be properly registered.
Script example
#loader gamestagebooks
import mods.gamestagebooks.Book;
Book.addBook("emerald_stage", "Emerald Knowledge", "Emerald Handbook", "minecraft:emerald", 0x0cf200);
Stagename -> "emerald_stage"
Human readable stagename(used in unlock title) -> "Emerald Knowledge"
Name of the Book -> "Emerald Handbook"
Item to display on unlock -> "minecraft:emerald"
Item to display on unlock with meta -> "minecraft:wool@4"
Color of the book -> 0x0cf200
Color is a hexvalue prefixed with 0x