Mod Gentle Harvest by _ForgeUser7513261

  • Gentle Harvest by _ForgeUser7513261

    Automatically replants crops.
    • 4.55 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • March 21, 2016
    • July 22, 2017
    • Farming
    Gentle Harvest
Mod Information
NameGentle HarvestAuthor_ForgeUser7513261DescriptionAutomatically replants crops.
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 4.55 KB
Updated at: July 22, 2017
Created at: March 21, 2016

"Steve, we need to talk."


"Yeah, it's about the way you go about harvesting crops."


"Right. Could you maybe... iunno, be a little more gentle in how you do it? Like, maybe not rip them out entirely? Or reseed the plants as you go?"


"Ok, thanks, man. You're the best."




Gentle Harvest is a small mod that automatically replants crops as you harvest them (by right-clicking them). In vanilla MC these crops are wheat, potatoes, carrots and cocoa pods. Only fully grown crops are affected.


This requires Forge.

It should also be compatible with any mod-added crops that extend BlockCrops or BlockCocoa.