Mod Giacomo's Foundry by zacomat

  • Giacomo's Foundry by zacomat

    Recycle all that scraps!
    • 158.29 KB
    • 1.20.2
    • June 4, 2015
    • September 22, 2023
    • Farming
    Giacomo's Foundry
Mod Information
NameGiacomo's FoundryAuthorzacomatDescriptionRecycle all that scraps!
Version: 1.20.2
Size: 158.29 KB
Updated at: September 22, 2023
Created at: June 4, 2015

This mod adds a new Foundry block that can be used to recycle materials.

The recyclable materials are those that can be obtained by smelting in a blast furnace.

If an object is built with recyclable materials, it can be smelted in the Foundry to recover the materials of which it is composed.

The non-recyclable parts of an object will be burned and lost.

However, be cautious: items containing fuels can cause fire, and items containing gunpowder can cause explosions.

The result in the Foundry is fully customizable in the server configuration file at .minecraft/saves/<your world>/serverconfig/giacomos_foundry-server.toml.

For example, in the custom section, I have put minecraft:wheat_seeds = {minecraft:diamond=1, experience=1, time=200}. This means that if you smelt a wheat seed, you will get a diamond (I don't like it, but it's just an example).

Take a look at the configuration file and add or remove Foundry recipes as you like! If you delete this file, a new file with default values (including wheat seeds...) will be created.


Official site: Giacomo's Foundry