Mod Gliby's Voice Chat Reloaded by Icosider

  • Gliby's Voice Chat Reloaded by Icosider

    Voice Chat
    • 413.88 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • June 15, 2018
    • July 17, 2022
    • Miscellaneous
    Gliby's Voice Chat Reloaded
Mod Information
NameGliby's Voice Chat ReloadedAuthorIcosiderDescriptionVoice Chat
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 413.88 KB
Updated at: July 17, 2022
Created at: June 15, 2018

The project is ending its support in favor of Simple Voice Chat, thank you all!


Not official port mod "Gliby's Voice Chat"


Gliby's Voice Chat adds the ability to talk to your friends through Minecraft, simply hold the correct button on your input device and speak away. Voice chat is undoubtedly the quickest way to convey a message, useful in combat, social and general interactions. My favorite feature is the semi-realistic voice chat, in short, only players near you can hear/talk to you, it's called distance based voice chat. Players near you will be louder, others farther away will be quieter.

If you just want the voice chat, without the gimmicks, that's fine. There is a configuration file you can edit to your desires.

Imagine having a faction server with this mod, yell at your enemies and make new friends only through direct voice to voice interaction!


Porting canceled. Support for the mod is complete, thanks to everyone who used this mod. For 1.16+, use Simple Voice Chat!