Mod Gobber [FORGE] by kwpugh

  • Gobber [FORGE] by kwpugh

    New ores for making high-end gear and powerful items
    • 3177786
    • 552.71 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • August 27, 2018
    • November 13, 2022
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      Ores and Resources
      Player Transport
    Gobber [FORGE]
Mod Information
NameGobber [FORGE]AuthorkwpughDescriptionNew ores for making high-end gear and powerful items
InformationDownloads: 3177786
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 552.71 KB
Updated at: November 13, 2022
Created at: August 27, 2018
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Ores and Resources
Player Transport

 Powerful armor, tools, weapons, rings, medallions, and staffs.

The Gobber mod is designed to make playing Minecraft more fulfilling by providing enhanced armor, tools, and weapons. Additionally, the mod provides special items (rings, staffs, and medallions) that provide a variety of quality of life enhancements and convenience perks. Some may consider the items overpowered, but that is a matter of choice, in my opinion.


- (3) new ores in Overworld, Nether, and The End with Deepslate version in Overworld

- Gobber Lucky block in world generation that has an array of useful drops
- (3) sets of weapons and tools that are far superior to diamond level 

- (3) sets of paxels, hammers, excavators, tree axes, and custom bows
- (4) armors that provide special perks like auto feeding/saturation, water breathin, fire protection, no fall damage, and much more.  End Armor has a built-in glider feature similar to Elytra. Perks disabled by default in config.

- (3) levels of special rings providing an array of perks (e.g. item magnet, mass mining, a plant/tree growth ring, item repair ring, high leaping, floating, night vision, negative effect protection, enderchest access, Enderman blinking ability, being stealth to mobs, and a ring that lets you set a teleport location)

- Gobber-infused foods

- A sword that also fires arrows with great precision and high velocity on right-click

- A paxel that places torches on right click

- A medallion that lets you adjust your step height from default, 1, 2, and 3 blocks high

- (3) levels of coal that give 64,000, 96,000, and 128,000 burn time

- Lots to explore and discover 

New in 1.19.2

Items that work in Player Enderchest:

  • Medallion of Experience
  • Medallion of Breathing
  • Medallion of Conduit Power
  • Medallion of the Dolphin
  • Medallion of Conduit Power
  • Medallion of Lesser Healing
  • Medallion of Healing
  • Medallion of Greater Healing
  • Ring of Ascent - for No Fall Damage
  • Ring of Phoenix
  • Ring of Haste
  • Ring of Curing
  • Ring of Attraction
  • Ring of Repair
  • Ring of Swiftness
  • Ring of Vision


Other mods that add functionality to Gobber

Want a Gobber Adze: More Than a Pickaxe

Want Gobber seeds:  IAP (Gobber)

1.18.1 now has material support for Tetra mod and Silent's Gear.

Want crabs?

Gobber food  add-on for Farmer's Delight


Track your progress with advancements


- Gobber Ore requires Netherite Pickaxe to mine
- Nether Gobber Ore requires Gobber Pickaxe to mine
- End Gobber Ore requires Nether Gobber Pickaxe to mine




Includes: Bows, Whole Tree Axes, 3x3 Hammers, 3x3 Excavators, and Paxels

If you encounter any errors while using the mod, please open an issue using the link above.

Modpack makers are free to use this mod in modpack.