Mod Golden Hoppers by haykam

  • Golden Hoppers by haykam

    Adds a filterable hopper to Minecraft.
    • 40.27 KB
    • 1.18.2
    • February 1, 2021
    • June 16, 2022
    • Energy, Fluid, and Item Transport
    Golden Hoppers
Mod Information
NameGolden HoppersAuthorhaykamDescriptionAdds a filterable hopper to Minecraft.
Version: 1.18.2
Size: 40.27 KB
Updated at: June 16, 2022
Created at: February 1, 2021
Energy, Fluid, and Item Transport

Golden Hoppers

GitHub release CurseForge Discord

Adds a filterable hopper to Minecraft.

Golden Hoppers requires the Fabric modloader and Fabric API.


  1. Install Fabric API if it is not installed.
  2. Download Golden Hoppers from CurseForge or GitHub.
  3. Place the downloaded file in your mods folder.


When this mod is installed, a golden hopper will be craftable using gold ingots rather than iron ingots. This golden hopper has an additional slot to specify a certain item to filter; when this slot is filled, the hopper will only insert or extract items with the same type as the filter item.