Mod Goodall by Frogipher
- 3675715
- 588.32 KB
- 1.19.2
- April 16, 2022
- January 16, 2023
- BiomesCosmeticEducationMobsUtility & QoL
Mod Information
Name | Goodall | Author | Frogipher | Description | Liven your world with an array of new mobs! |
Information | Downloads: 3675715 Version: 1.19.2 Size: 588.32 KB Updated at: January 16, 2023 Created at: April 16, 2022 | Tags | Biomes Cosmetic Education Mobs Utility & QoL |
Welcome the Safari! Goodall is a mod that aims to add various animals and wildlife to liven up your Minecraft world!
To see both Forge and Fabric releases go here.
🎨 Frogipher#4778 (Art)
💻 ThatGravyBoat#0001 (Code)
🔗 Ebyc#2022 (Animations)
🔗 Condorcrest (Animations prior to 1.19 release)
As long as credited, Goodall may be used in modpacks, youtube videos, etc.