Mod Grand Enchantment Table by TrueRealCursed_Warrior

  • Grand Enchantment Table by TrueRealCursed_Warrior

    Adds a new Upgrade to the Enchantment Table, allowing enchanting up to 60 Levels, also doesn't require bookshelves
    • 646300
    • 131.35 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • March 31, 2021
    • February 3, 2023
    • Magic
    Grand Enchantment Table
Mod Information
NameGrand Enchantment TableAuthorTrueRealCursed_WarriorDescriptionAdds a new Upgrade to the Enchantment Table, allowing enchanting up to 60 Levels, also doesn't require bookshelves
InformationDownloads: 646300
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 131.35 KB
Updated at: February 3, 2023
Created at: March 31, 2021

This mod adds a new Block to the game

That Block is a new Enchantment Table , an upgrade to the Vanilla

Appearance of the Block can be seen in the Picture Above

There are 2 New Blocks added to make the Grand Table

Those are called Eco Wood and Eco Wool

The 2 Blocks are very tough to break

These are the Recipes


 The Table Recipe:

This table does not need any lapis or book Shelves

The Enchantments also have a chance of being Treasure Enchantments

Treasure Enchantments are like Mending

The Enchanting only needs Experience to enchant

The table is Very Empty when you have 0 XP Levels

You need These Many levels to see more Buttons

1 XP, 3 XP, 15 XP, 30 XP, 45 XP, 60XP

There are 6 Buttons in Total

Empty Grand Table GUI with 0 XP:

Full Grand Enchantment Table with 60 Levels:




Click on the picture above, select plan(recommended at least 4GB), use my code Cursed to get 25% off your first month and enjoy playing with your friends!