Mod Gravitation Suite by Chocohead
- 334.98 KB
- 1.10.2
- November 13, 2016
- April 17, 2019
- AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsEnergyIndustrial CraftTechnology
Name | Gravitation Suite | Author | Chocohead | Description | Boosting IC2 Jetpacks to the next level |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.10.2 Size: 334.98 KB Updated at: April 17, 2019 Created at: November 13, 2016 | Tags | Addons Armor, Tools, and Weapons Energy Industrial Craft Technology |
Questions/Suggestions/Help/etc. should be put on the forum thread.
If you can't craft the GraviChestPlate then update IC2 to (at least) 2.8.110, it contains a bug fix that resolves recipe ordering issues.
Hello boys and girls! Our scientists are glad to present you the latest advanced scientific development !!! After UFO falling near to Roswell, New Mexico, in June or July 1947 we are engaged more than 65 years in reverse engineering. There were numerous attempts to reproduce the gravitational engine of aliens, but until 2016 they were unsuccessful. And now after long years of research we represent you our new development a gravitational suite, based at alien technology.
And now we are proud to present to you:
UltimateLappack (based on our advanced development in the field of power and properties of iridium in combination to superconductors).
Tech specification:
- Energy storage 60 000 000 EU with a maximum transfer rate of 100 000 EU/t
- Tier 4 (so can charge and discharge only in an MFSU), good for using as portable storage.
- Visual indication of activation mode and charge state! (See screenshot at spoiler. You can change visual indicator energy state placement in config file. Hud position is: 1 - topleft, 2 - topright, 3 - bottomleft, 4 - bottomright.)
GravitationChestPlate (Based on the latest gravitational engine and UltimateLappack).
Tech specification:
- It's allow flight! Default key for activate Gravitation engine is "V" (you can change it in options). Remember: if gravi engine is "ON", you no longer lose energy if you're not off the ground.
- Contains all the features of quantum body armour.
- Energy storage 60 000 000 EU with a maximum transfer rate of 100 000 EU/t
- Tier 4 (so can charge and discharge only in an MFSU), good for using as portable storage.
- Supplies energy for any electric tools in the player's inventory (such as drills, mining lasers, etc.).
- Full charge will suffice for a long flight. Can boost by pressing "Boost key" (causing the сonsumption of energy to increase by 3 times, but also massively speeding up the engine).
- Visual indication of activation mode and charge state! (See
screenshot at spoiler. You can change visual indicator energy state
placement in config file. Hud position is: 1 - topleft, 2 - topright, 3 -
bottomleft, 4 - bottomright.)
Advanced Lappack
Tech specification:
- Energy storage 3 000 000 EU with a maximum transfer rate of 30 000 EU/t
- Tier 3 (so can charge and discharge in both an MFE or an MFSU)
- Visual indication of charge state.
Advanced Electric Jetpack
Tech specification:
- Energy storage 3 000 000 EU with a maximum transfer rate of 30 000 EU/t
- Tier 3 (so can charge and discharge in both an MFE or an MFSU)
- Overlocked engine - max height limit is now world height!
- Supplies energy for any electric tools in the player's inventory (such as drills, mining lasers, etc.).
- Can enable and disable the jetpack engine at your convenience ("Fly" key)
- Boost mode (energy consumption x2 more for double the speed)
- Visual indication of activation mode and charge state
Advanced NanoChestPlate
Tech specification:
- Contains all features of Nanosuit Body Armour.
- Integrated Advanced Electric Jetpack (see specification above)
- Energy storage 3 000 000 EU with a maximum transfer rate of 30 000 EU/t
- Tier 3 (so can charge and discharge in both an MFE or an MFSU)
- Supplies energy for any electric tools in the player's inventory (such as drills, mining lasers, etc.).
Tech specification:
- Energy storage 300 000 EU with a maximum transfer rate of 10 000 EU/t
- Tier 2 (so can charge and discharge in a CESU, an MFE or an MFSU)
- Universal tool, can function as a wrench, hoe, treetap, and screwdriver
- Screwdriver works with all redstone devices, such as pistons, dispensers and repeaters!
- you can change work mode by shift "right mouse button" and "Mode key"
Advanced Diamond Drill
Tech specification:
- 35% faster than diamond drill in normal mode
- energy consumption 100% more than diamond drill
- Have 4 working modes ("Normal mode", "Lower power" - speed same as original Diamond Drill, "Fine mode" - speed same as Drill, "Big holes" - destroy 3 * 3 * 1 area for quick mine. For enable this function shift in hand this item and press key "Mode" and Right Click mouse button.
Advanced Chainsaw
Tech specification:
- 35% faster than chainsaw
- energy consumption 100% more than chainsaw
- can eff operate with (wool, melon, pumpkin, cactus)
Vajra (ultimate tool)
Tech specification:
- Based the destruction of intermolecular bonds with the microwave magnetic field
- Can break any block in game (exclude bedrock) with one hit (include in flight mode)
- 30% better damage than nanosaber
- have accurate mode - silk touch (right mouse button). For enable this function press key "Mode" and Right Click mouse button.
- energy consumption 3333 eu per hit (work time with vajra + Ultimate Lappack equivalent diamond drill + lappack).
Design of Gravitation Suite:
Crafting recipe (you can disable some crafting recipes in config file):
For all craft we need create our new superconductor for UltimateLappack and GraviChestPlate.
First we need to craft Superconductor cover:
After we can create superconductor:
For craft new Gravitation chestplate we must craft some new items.
Cooling core for gravitation engine:
And gravitation engine:
Now we can craft GravitationChestPlate:
Advanced Lappack:
Advanced Diamond Drill:
Advanced Chainsaw:
For craft new Vajra we need:
Vajra Core:
And now we can craft Vajra:
You can change the visual indicator placement in config file. Also, you can completely disable it if you use others HUD addons! (Hud position is: 1 - topleft, 2 - topright, 3 - bottomleft, 4 - bottomright)
Sceenshots of visual indicator energy state: