Mod Grim's Transportables by TheGrimsey

  • Grim's Transportables by TheGrimsey

    Horse-drawn carriages, teleporting rails, and launching rails. Make your travels more interesting.
    • 92.82 KB
    • 1.19.3
    • April 18, 2021
    • January 7, 2023
    • Player Transport
    Grim's Transportables
Mod Information
NameGrim's TransportablesAuthorTheGrimseyDescriptionHorse-drawn carriages, teleporting rails, and launching rails. Make your travels more interesting.
Version: 1.19.3
Size: 92.82 KB
Updated at: January 7, 2023
Created at: April 18, 2021
Player Transport

You too could be riding a carriage like this one.



Minecraft 1.16.2+, Fabric API, and Cloth Config(4.11.19+)



A carriage that can be hooked up behind a donkey or horse using a linker.

Seats four people. 


Storage CarriageA carriage with a double chest of storage on it.

Seats two people.


Launching Rail

When powered: Launches your Minecart into the air.

Tele-Sender Rail

When powered: Teleports the rail to set destination.

Set destination using by first clicking on destination rail using Linker and then sneak clicking on TeleSender rail.

High-Powered Rail

When powered: Speeds up minecart to maximum speed.

Iron Ladder

Allows you to ascend twice as fast as a regular ladder.


Used to link carriages to horses/donkeys and to set the destination for Tele-Sender rails.

