Mod Guns, Rockets and Atomic Explosions by songxia23

  • Guns, Rockets and Atomic Explosions by songxia23

    Guns, Rockets, C4 bombs with different variant - normal, incendiary, smoke, and of course, atomic explosion
    • 4.68 MB
    • 1.17.1
    • September 2, 2020
    • July 15, 2022
    • Adventure and RPG
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      Industrial Craft
      Thermal Expansion
    Guns, Rockets and Atomic Explosions
Mod Information
NameGuns, Rockets and Atomic ExplosionsAuthorsongxia23DescriptionGuns, Rockets, C4 bombs with different variant - normal, incendiary, smoke, and of course, atomic explosion
Version: 1.17.1
Size: 4.68 MB
Updated at: July 15, 2022
Created at: September 2, 2020
Adventure and RPG
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Industrial Craft
Thermal Expansion

What is in the mod?

Guns, Rockets and Atomic Explosions



More pictures can be found here.


Videos-English (newest to oldest):


 Videos-Spanish (newest to oldest).




1. Can I include it into my modpack?

- Yes, sure.

2. How to obtain them in survival?

- Install JEI which will tell you the recipe when clicking on the item.

- Craft the statues, place it by an unemployed villager, and trade.

3. How to load ammo?

-  Guns: hold guns in main hand, press R. Make sure you have correct size of ammo in your inventory (loading priority: off hand > hot bar > inside inventory).

-  Rockets: hold rockets in off hand and rocket launcher in main hand, press R (unlike guns, Rockets must be in offhand).

4. I cannot reload(or zoom) by pressing the correct key:

-  Probably it is due to key conflicts. Go to "controls" to set another hotkey.

-  If you have JEI installed, which is recommended, you will get at least one conflict on "R". Please set it to another key.

5. I found a bug...

- Create an issue on GitHub!

6. Will you port it to 1.12-1.15/Fabric?

- No. I don't have enough time. This project is open-source, and everyone is free to port it.

- I will rather add more content and update it to 1.17 when forge is ready.

7. How frequently will you update this mod?

- I really enjoy developing this mod, but I am not a full-time modder. But I will try my best to keep it updated!

8. I am also a modder, could I collaborate?

- Sure, send me a private message.




Translation (Chinese Simplified):MikhailTapio

Most models were made with BlockBench.



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