Mod Habitat by schnappdragon

  • Habitat by schnappdragon

    [FORGE] Mod that aims to enhance the Overworld by adding content to old biomes plus in the future, new biomes.
    • 924974
    • 840.77 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • November 27, 2020
    • August 26, 2023
    • Biomes
      World Gen
Mod Information
NameHabitatAuthorschnappdragonDescription[FORGE] Mod that aims to enhance the Overworld by adding content to old biomes plus in the future, new biomes.
InformationDownloads: 924974
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 840.77 KB
Updated at: August 26, 2023
Created at: November 27, 2020
World Gen



Habitat is a Forge Overworld expansion mod that aims to add content to pre-existing biomes and to add new biomes in the future.

Currently, the mod adds:

  • Rafflesia - Jungle Biomes
  • Kabloom Bush and Fruit - Plains Biomes
  • Slime Ferns - Below Y=40 in Slime Chunks
  • Ball Cactus (in 4 colors and a huge version) - Deserts and Badlands
  • Fairy Ring and Pooka (Mushroom Rabbit Mob) - Dark Forests
  • Passerines (Songbirds) - Forests, Birch Forests, Taigas, Jungles, Flower Forests, Savannas and Groves. (Also found in Old Growth & Windswept versions)
  • Edelweiss Shrubs - Cold Mountain biomes
  • Anthuriums - Jungle Biomes
  • Dreadbuds - Roofed Forests

This mod previously used to be Bloom and Gloom. Previous versions can be found in the files section.


Changelog - 1.1.2 for 1.18.x

Fixed a crash with the latest version of Forge.

- Pooka can only spawn at night now


- Adjusted the rarities of some world gen features.

- Fairy Rings no longer configure terrain below them.

- Adjusted Passerine spawn rates.& added them to grove biomes.

- Some bugfixes related to passerines.

Changelog - 1.1.0 for 1.17.1

- Added Passerines

- Spawn in Forests (Except Dark Forests), Jungles, Taigas & Savannas.
- Have 10 different variants, vary by biome.
- Fly around, follow mobs and sing during the day, sleep on trees at night.
- Hide under cover when it rains or snows.
- Drop feather particles rarely and create note particles when they sing.
- 3 easter egg skins "Berdly" (loves Powder Snow), "Turkey", "Goldfish" (Last one only works with the yellow variant)
- Can be fed seeds to make them sing.
- Follow you while holding seeds.
- Preen their feathers every once in a while. (Has an animation.)
- 3 advancements under husbandry.
- Feathered Friend - Feed a passerine.
- Beginner Birdwatcher - Look at a passerine through a spyglass.
- Ornithologist - Look at all passerine variants through a spyglass!


- Rafflesia makes a coloured particle of the potion effect on stew addition.
- Stews can be picked up from rafflesia with suspicious stew using a bowl.
- (Both can be used together to identify suspicious stews)
- Slightly lowered rafflesia generation rate.
- Rafflesia now only generates in vanilla jungle biomes (excluding bamboo jungles).


- Added tags for mobs hostile pooka attack and run away from when pacified. (#pacified_pooka_scared_by, #pooka_attack_targets)
- Parrots can imitate Pooka now.
- Pooka drop 3 xp always now.
- Merged pooka pacify and breeding item tags, now only contains golden carrots.
- Pooka can only be bred after being pacified now.
- Pacified pooka on breeding result in a domesticated pooka. A domesticated pooka will not turn hostile when hit by a player. (Hitting it alerts other non-domesticated pooka.)
- Effects given by the pooka to the player while following are now twice as long.
- Pooka has a 30 second cooldown after giving a player an effect.
- Changed the volume and pitch of some sounds.


- Kabloom bush no longer slows mobs.
- Improved kabloom fruit knockback.
- Improved kabloom pile and bush activation detection and reduced pile block hardness to 0.
- Added crop grow event hooks to bonemeal-able plants.
- Improved rafflesia and ball cactus collision detection.
- Lowered ball cactus hardness to match cactus.
- Changed potted ball cactus flower textures and models.
- Ball cactus now only generates in vanilla deserts and badlands biomes.
- Ball cactus flower placeable on / Ball cactus plantable on now uses forge tags.
- Ball cactus is now only plantable on #forge:sand.


- Removed most world-gen configs.
- Bees can no longer grow kabloom bushes and ball cacti due to mixin issue.

Changelog - 1.0.1 for 1.16.5

- Renamed mod to Habitat, id to habitat and incremented version to 1.0.1.
- Plants are now more common.
- Removed Quark requirement for potted plants.
- The wiki on github has been updated with new content.

- Added Ball Cactus & Prickling.
- Added Fairy Rings & the Pooka.
- Fairy Ring Mushroom has Enhanced Mushrooms compatibility.
- Added configs for generation rates and biome whitelists/blacklists for features.

- Removed Rafflesia seed and age blockstates.
- Rafflesia now drops itself.
- Using Bone Meal makes more Rafflesia nearby.

- Removed Sugared Kabloom Fruit & replaced Kabloom Seeds with Kabloom Pulp, gives Blast Endurance on consumption.
- Added Blast Endurance potions brewed with Kabloom Pulp.
- Added Kabloom Fruit Pile and Kabloom Pulp Block.
- Kabloom Fruit only hurts entities that can be hit by players.
- Kabloom Bush correctly explodes if it catches fire or is broken by a piston.
- Bone Meal now advances multiple stages on Kabloom Bush.

- Slime Ferns only grow on #forge:stone blocks now.
- Bone Meal only works on Slime Ferns in Slime Chunks now.
- Using Bone Meal on Slime Ferns makes more Slime Ferns nearby.

- Abnormals Core Advancement Modifiers.


  • Enhanced Mushrooms: When Enhanced Mushrooms is installed, Fairy Ring Mushroom stem is replaced by a version that works like Enhanced Mushrooms' mushroom stems, which can be crafted into a  Fairy Ring Mushroom wood set. Additional blocks can be crafted when Quark and Buzzier Bees are installed. Blocks support crafting with Environmental & Farmer's Delight.
  • Farmer's Delight: Fairy Ring Mushrooms work as compost activators.
  • Abnormals Core: Advancement modifiers are loaded so added food, effects and mobs count towards advancements.


Other Credits

  • Translations:
  • pt_br by Mikeliro
  • zh_tw by Pancakes0228
    • ko_kr by Othuntgithub
    • es_es by PaulerLeOne
    • de_de by Unweeked


  • Logo by DaLumma