Mod Harvest Tweaks by bonusboni

  • Harvest Tweaks by bonusboni

    Modify the harvestability of all the blocks and tools
    • 33.78 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • October 18, 2016
    • December 6, 2017
    • Miscellaneous
    Harvest Tweaks
Mod Information
NameHarvest TweaksAuthorbonusboniDescriptionModify the harvestability of all the blocks and tools
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 33.78 KB
Updated at: December 6, 2017
Created at: October 18, 2016

This mod allows you to modify the harvestability of blocks and tools.


Currently supports:

  • All tools using the forge harvest system (including vanilla)
  • Setting block harvestability per block-name
  • Setting block harvestability per oredict (block-name takes precedence)
  • Setting harvest level of Tinkers' Construct materials


To begin just start the game and default configs will be generated. The defaults will not change anything (as good as possible). The configs can be found in the HarvestTweaks sub-folder. You can remove entries that should not be changed. If a section is completely empty, defaults will be generated for it.


You can set a tool for blocks that usually don't require a tool to harvest, like wooden logs or planks. Those blocks simply wont get any break progress when trying to be broken without the tool.


The Block notation allows you to set the harvestability for all metadatas by setting the metadata to -1 or omitting it completely. The notation itself consists of 



Each config file has a settings to log all changes it does, use that to debug.

When the mod encounters a problem when changing the harvestability of a tool or block it will log a warning.