Mod HarvestCraft Tweaker by tfarecnim
- 18.13 KB
- 1.12.2
- June 30, 2020
- August 24, 2020
- CraftTweaker
Name | HarvestCraft Tweaker | Author | tfarecnim | Description | adds crafttweaker support to harvestcraft |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 18.13 KB Updated at: August 24, 2020 Created at: June 30, 2020 | Tags | CraftTweaker |
This mod adds Crafttweaker support to harvestcraft, available functions listed below
Import : mods.harvestcrafttweaker.HarvestCraftTweaker;
Available methods:
addPressing(IIngredient input, IItemStack leftOutput, IItemStack rightOutput);
removePressingByInput(IItemStack input);
addGrinding(IIngredient input, IItemStack leftOutput, IItemStack rightOutput);
removeGrindingByInput(IItemStack input);
addWaterFilter(IIngredient input, IItemStack leftOutput, IItemStack rightOutput);
removeWaterFilterByInput(IItemStack input);
//ground traps,normally hardcoded so needed coremods
addGroundTrap(IIngredient input, IItemStack[] outputs) ;
removeGroundTrapByInput(IIngredient input);
//water traps, also hardcoded so needed coremods as well
addWaterTrap(IIngredient input, IItemStack[] outputs);
removeWaterTrapByInput(IIngredient input);
addMarket(IItemStack toBuy,IItemStack input,int cost);
removeMarketByOutput(IItemStack output);
//shipping bin
addShipping(IItemStack toBuy,IItemStack currency,int cost);
removeShippingByOutput(IItemStack output);