Mod Heads by Mrbysco
- 227.14 KB
- 1.20.1
- January 31, 2022
- August 6, 2023
- Cosmetic
Mod Information
Name | Heads | Author | Mrbysco | Description | Adds more mob heads |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.20.1 Size: 227.14 KB Updated at: August 6, 2023 Created at: January 31, 2022 | Tags | Cosmetic |
Ever thought Minecraft didn't have enough mob heads? Well then the "Heads" mod is for you. This mod adds heads for almost all Minecraft Mobs.
From Foxes to turtles, axolotls to horses. We got you covered with place-able and wear-able heads.
List of mobs that have heads added by this mod:
- Axolotl (All variants)
- Bat
- Bee
- Blaze
- Cat (All variants)
- Cave Spider
- Chicken
- Cow
- Donkey
- Enderman
- Endermite
- Fox (Both snow and regular)
- Ghast
- Glow Squid
- Goat
- Horse (All main colors)
- Horse (Skeleton variants)
- Horse (Zombie variant)
- Iron Golem
- Magmacube
- Mooshroom (Both red and brown)
- Ocelot
- Pig
- Piglin
- Piglin Brute
- Sheep (All colors and a sheared variant)
- Silverfish
- Slime
- Snow Golem
- Spider
- Squid
- Turtle
- Villager
- Wandering Trader
- Witch
- Wolf
- Zombie Villager
- Zombified Piglin
This mod is heavily inspired by the Headcrumbs mod which added mob heads back in the day.
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