Mod Homing Exp Orbs by BlackoutRoulette
- 19.50 KB
- 1.12.2
- December 22, 2019
- January 4, 2020
- Miscellaneous
Name | Homing Exp Orbs | Author | BlackoutRoulette | Description | Makes experience orbs fly towards you. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 19.50 KB Updated at: January 4, 2020 Created at: December 22, 2019 | Tags | Miscellaneous |
What does it do?
Tired of manually collecting experience orbs? Make them fly to you within a 64 block radius, leaving behind a beautiful trailing stream of rainbow colored particles.
Particle level
The amount of spawned particles is influenced by Options -> Video Settings -> Particles
Supports Optifine
Orbs will emit light if optifine is installed. Be sure to set Options -> Video Settings -> Dynamic Lights to Fancy
Behavior (for developers)
This mod will replace all spawned "EntityXPOrb" entitys with the extending "EntityHomingExpOrb" class. Orbs will try to fly to the closest player within a 64 block radius. Else they will stay at their current position and if not collected, they will die like the vanilla xp orb after 6000 ticks (5 minutes). If you want to prevent the replacement in some cases in favor of compatibility for another mod you need to cancel the "EntityJoinWorldEvent" with a priority higher than "EventPriority.LOWEST". You can also try to catch the "EntityHomingExpOrb" object within the same event and tell it using entity.delay.add(ticks) to stay at its initial position. Almost all methods and fields are protected, feel free to extend this mod.
Can I use this in my modpack?
You're welcome.
Can I extend or port this mod?
Feel free to do so (note the license).