Mod IC2 Classic by sfPlayer1

  • IC2 Classic by sfPlayer1

    The official classic remix of IC2.
    • 15.48 MB
    • 1.19.2
    • March 17, 2016
    • September 9, 2023
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      Ores and Resources
    IC2 Classic
Mod Information
NameIC2 ClassicAuthorsfPlayer1DescriptionThe official classic remix of IC2.
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 15.48 MB
Updated at: September 9, 2023
Created at: March 17, 2016
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Ores and Resources

Note: IC2 Classic is only Published by Playersf, he has nothing todo with IC2 Classic except publishing.



IndustrialCraft Classic (IC2 Classic for Short) is an industrial based mod that adds the Industrial Revolution to Minecraft:

Part of this is:

-Storing / Producing / Using Power to your advantage.

Ore Processing:
-Get effectively more Ingots out of your Ores.

More Tools:
-Making you a more efficient Person in: Mining, Foresting and building,

More Weapons/Armor:
-Making you a better fighter and let you protect yourself better.

-Allow you to get resources and process Items better.

Power Production:
-Allowing you to produce Electricity and use that instead of relying on Solid Fuel

IC2 Classic also implements some IC2 Addons to itself, like Advanced Machines and Compact Solars, with others are planned.

On top of that, it tries to support as many addons as possible, but also native compat to other mods:
Like BuildCraft, NEI (Not Enough Items), Tinkers Construct, Waila and a lot of others.

Compared to IndustrialCraft Experimental, IndustrialCraft Classic is based around the Original Concept and tries to keep to that, whilst also being casual player friendly without losing its main features.


In the 1.10.2 Version the Mod basically doubled in size you get a lot of new things to play with.
But IC2Classic is not a mod that forces the focus on to itself.  
Its a mod that assisst you with your minecraft expierience.
How much you want to touch in this mod is up to you.
That doesn't mean that you can't focus around the mod there is a lot to play and get lost with.


Mod Spotlight:

Mischief of Mice made a Bit by bit covering IC2Classic for 1.19.2.
First of 2 Episodes out there!


ToAsgaard made a Spotlight about IC2Classic which will cover the whole mod.

Here is a link to the first Episode.


And here is the Playlist to the whole Spotlights:

IC2Classic Spotlight Playlist



If you like what i did and would like to help me there is a donation button who helps me keeping my equipment up to date so i can continue programming. Also 13 months were invested into the latest version.


Known Issues:     
- Steves Carts (1.10.2 Only): Crashes because of IC2Exp focused intigration support. The patch would take a long time since the dev is more a quantity over quality guy. Basically go into the mod search for the plugins/intigration/modcompat folder and delete the IC2 folder. Thats completly save and fixes the crash.
- Chocoheads IC2 Mods:    
  Usually if a IC2 addon is made by chocohead then basically ditch it because it will be crashing to 99% of the times.    
  Reason being that these are made based of IC2Exp core code which classic doesn't have. Luckly most of the mods he makes are intigrated into classic so you dont need them.
- Railcraft:    
  Railcraft has a tiny issue with IC2 Versions right now when you disable the railcraft:magic modul (It crashes). This can be fixed in 2 ways.
  - Way 1: Enable the Magic modul.
  - Way 2: Disable in the config: disabling ic2 -> macerator -> ores (set it to false) in classic it has no effect it will just remove macerator recipes for the Poor ores which can be smelted anyway. You get just less nuggets.


Wanna talk to the dev of the mod?
Join the "#IC2-Classic" IRC channel on EsperNet


ModPack Permission:

Since IC2 Classic is on curse you can use IC2 Classic on CursePacks.

Also Technicpack is fully supported. You do not need to ask but it would be great if you inform me. (Technic Pack Permission)