Mod ISeeDragons by xcube16
- 8413320
- 63.71 KB
- 1.12.2
- October 4, 2019
- August 12, 2022
- Miscellaneous
Name | ISeeDragons | Author | xcube16 | Description | Fixes the dragon render distance in RLCraft and older versions of Ice and Fire |
Information | Downloads: 8413320 Version: 1.12.2 Size: 63.71 KB Updated at: August 12, 2022 Created at: October 4, 2019 | Tags | Miscellaneous |
Ok... Dragons in RLCraft are hard... But do they have to have a personal cloaking device that activates when only 64+ blocks away form the player?!
This mod fixes some major bugs in Ice and Fire 1.7.1 (an old version), use with Ice and Fire 1.8.x may cause undefined behavior (bugs, crashes, etc)! It is intended to be used in the RLCraft modpack!
- Fixes Ice and Fire dragon render distance (configurable, may work with other modded entities)
- Fixes Ice and Fire dragons not waking up when hit
- Fixes players being able to escape a dragon's jaws with shift/dismount
- Fixes Ice and Fire sea serpent armor repairing
- Fixes Dragonbone Axe
- Lowered particles from dragons smashing blocks to prevent lag (configurable)
- Re-adds OreDictionary entries for Ice and Fire items (Ice and Fire still spams the log, TODO: remove log spam also)
- Custom repair items can be set for tools that do not already have a repair item (configurable)
- Items can be given a custom extra damage to undead enemies (configurable)
This mod should be installed on both client and server, but most of the fixes will work if it is only installed on the server (client installation is not a strict requirment).
RLCraft modpack:
Ice and Fire mod:
To install this mod, place the jar file in the mods folder of your Minecraft instance folder. The Minecraft instance folder location will vary depending on what launcher you are using!
Source Code: