Mod ISpawner by Iskall85_Dev

  • ISpawner by Iskall85_Dev

    A custom MobSpawner plugin
    • 1900720
    • 184.24 KB
    • 1.18.2
    • October 4, 2021
    • July 12, 2023
    • Mobs
Mod Information
NameISpawnerAuthorIskall85_DevDescriptionA custom MobSpawner plugin
InformationDownloads: 1900720
Version: 1.18.2
Size: 184.24 KB
Updated at: July 12, 2023
Created at: October 4, 2021
The iSpawner Mod is primarily focused to be used in the VaultHunters Modpack.

The Mod adds a custom MobSpawner, which allows for extensive configuration on its spawning behavior.
This includes the area where mobs are spawned in, the speed, the amount, the limits on spawning in case existing mobs are around and more. Additionally, custom spawning locations may be defined around the spawner for a more location-specific spawning behavior.

The spawning behavior is based off mob spawn eggs in the custom spawner's internal inventory, placing it as if it's a mob spawn egg.

Additionally, the Mod includes a silk-touchable survival mob spawner, which can be filled with spawneggs to temporarily spawn a configurable amount of mobs per spawn egg. This allows for some of the MobSpawner's functionality to be accessible in survival play.

If you encounter any issues or crashes, please report them to the mod's issue tracker on github.