Mod Iguanas Tinker Tweaks by bonusboni
- 417.41 KB
- 1.7.10
- August 10, 2014
- March 19, 2016
- Armor, Tools, and WeaponsTinker's Construct
Mod Information
Name | Iguanas Tinker Tweaks | Author | bonusboni | Description | Iguana Tweaks for Tinkers Construct. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.7.10 Size: 417.41 KB Updated at: March 19, 2016 Created at: August 10, 2014 | Tags | Armor, Tools, and Weapons Tinker's Construct |
Iguanas Tinker Tweaks
More Info on the minecraftforum thread!
This is the 1.7.10 port of Iguana_mans Iguana Tweaks for Tinkers Construct. It is a Tinker's Construct addon.
Minimum required TConstruct version is 1.6.0d38.
Tool Leveling
- Random bonuses on levelup
- Bonus modifiers on levelup
- Mining Level tooltip
Pickaxe Mining Level Boosting
- Pickaxes can gain a mining level
- Pickaxes gain xp for the mining level like they do for regular levelups
- Pickaxes start with 1 harvest level less, therefore have to be "mining leveled up" to reach full effectiveness
- MobHeads can be used as modifiers to instantly boost the mining level
Tool Part Swapping
- Allows to exchange a part of a tool with a new one
- If configured, this may cost a percentage of your tool XP or mining level XP
- Tool must be fully repaired to swap parts
Mob Heads
- Adds additional mobheads
- Gives heads a base drop chance
- Allows to configure head drop chance and Beheading effectiveness
Harvest Level/Material Tweaks
- New mining level Progression
- Changes Mining/Harvest Level of materials and blocks
- Adapts Tinker Tool Materials to the new progression (changes some stats). Mostly earlylevel materials.
- Creates a slower progression through the tiers (Wood < Flint < Copper < Iron < Bronze < Obsidian < Ardite < Cobalt < Manyullyn)
- Change durability/speed % of all tools
- Emerald/Diamond Modifier only give durability
- ExtraTiC Support with adjusted Mining Levels
- Made from clay, must be burnt in a furnace first
- Can transport water, lava, milk and all TConstruct liquids
- Break when used to transport a hot material like lava
Various Tweaks
- Add Flint Recipe (configurable amount)
- Remove Gravel Flint Drop
- Remove Stone Torch recipe
- Disallow Stone Tools
- Disable Non-Tic-Tools being able to harvest blocks. They can still be used for crafting this way. BonusChest Tools are replaced with tinker tools.
- Allow Tool-repair in crafting grid (if enabled)
- Burn part used to cast a metal-cast
- Reusable toolparts in the Part Builder
- More expensive Silky Cloth, Silky Jewel
- Flux modifier takes 2 Modifiers
- Amount how often a tool can be repaired is limitable
Part Restrictions
- The materials parts can be mades out are configurable
- All non-metals can only be used for a few parts
- Patterns have tooltips which parts are allowed