Mod Illager Plushies [Forge] by kleiders3010
- 131.99 KB
- 1.19
- March 11, 2022
- June 7, 2022
- CosmeticWorld Gen
Name | Illager Plushies [Forge] | Author | kleiders3010 | Description | New decorative plushies obtained by ravaging some illagers! (Compatible with some illager adding mods!) |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.19 Size: 131.99 KB Updated at: June 7, 2022 Created at: March 11, 2022 | Tags | Cosmetic World Gen |
New beautifully made plushies created by Quillager!
v1.1.5: Now compatible with Hunter Illager!
v1.1.3: Now compatible with Blue Skies, and L-enders cataclysm!
v1.0.5: Now compatible with Dungeons Mobs!
v1.0.1: Now compatible with Enchant with Mob!
Blockbench Render:
Obtention Methods:
-Pillager: 3% Drop Rate from Pillagers
-Vindicator: 3% Drop Rate from Vindicators
-Evoker: 6% Drop Rate from Evokers
Enchanter Recipe (Previous to Enchant Mob mod compatibility, recipe removed from version 1.0.1 upwards):
Compatibility (Compatible mods are not required to use Illager Plushies, the compatible mods only make the special plushies droppeable)(Potentially compatible with other mods that add any of the mobs from the plushies):
Enchanter Mod compatibility (1.0.1 upwards):
-Enchanter: 6% Drop Rate from Enchanters (Requires
Compatible with Dungeons Mobs! (Illager Plushies 1.0.5 upwards, only 1.16.5) (Dungeon mobs requires Dungeons Libraries):
Dungeons Mobs Droprates:
Illusioner: 5% Drop Rate from Illusioners
Windcaller: 5% Drop Rate from Windcaller
Geomancer: 5% Drop Rate from Geomancers
Iceologer: 5% Drop Rate from Iceologer
Vindicator Chef: 5% Drop Rate from Vindicator Chef
Mountaineer: 3% Drop Rate from Mountaineers and Armored Mountaineers
Compatible with Blue Skies, and L-enders cataclysm:
Blue Skies Droprates:
Alchemist: 12% Drop Rate from the Alchemist boss
Summoner: 12% Drop Rate from the Summoner boss
L-Enders Cataclysm Droprates:
Nameless Sorcerer: 10% Drop Rate from Nameless Sorcerer
Compatible with Hunter Illager
Hunter Illager: 12% Drop Rate from Hunter Illager
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