Mod Immersive Combat (Better Combat Rebirth) by burgggy
- 1.14 MB
- 1.12.2
- October 25, 2021
- July 29, 2022
- Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Mod Information
Name | Immersive Combat (Better Combat Rebirth) | Author | burgggy | Description | An updated version of Better Combat Rebirth that adds compatibility for Spartan Weaponry & Quality Tools |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 1.14 MB Updated at: July 29, 2022 Created at: October 25, 2021 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Armor, Tools, and Weapons |
An updated version of Better Combat Rebirth specifically built to be compatible with Spartan Weaponry & Quality Tools!
This mod was customized to work with:
To add 3rd person attack animations, download Mo' Bends
To change the damage properties and attack speed of weapons, download Material Changer
- Compatible with Spartan Weaponry, off-hand attacks will have the correct range and and damage values. Previously, you could equip a high attack damage weapon in the main-hand, and a fast attack weapon in the off-hand. Then, deal the high attack damage of the main-hand with the fast attack speed in the off-hand. A lot of the damage values were incorrect. Very abusable. This has been fixed.
- Compatible with Quality Tools, attack speed, reach, and attack damage - only these 3 qualities, with operation 2 (meaning percent increase or decrease) - will correctly work on both main-hand and off-hand weapons.
- Ice & Fire fixes, added bonus wither damage option for the Dragonbone bow (the extra damage from the bow was not being applied, so I added the option for Wither damage).
- Silver is basically Thorns for undead (silver armor will deal damage to melee attackers similar to how silver weapons function)
- New sounds, new swinging and hit sounds. The swing sounds will pan left for off-hand attacks and pan right for main-hand attacks. Wow so immersive!
- Fixed attacks so they will require full energy -> no more spamming left & right clicks! When you miss you miss. Git gud kid.
- Warhammer will now penetrate the ‘armorAttribute’ (this attribute is usually applied through RoughMobsRevamped, for example. Some mobs don't wear actual armor, but have armor stats. The warhammer will now penetrate the armor stat).
- Mobs (smaller mobs, don't worry about your larger/ boss mobs getting cheesed) are now affected by blindness and nausea. This makes the Spartan Weaponry hammers actually useful against mobs!
- Fixed random critical strikes with Spartan Weaponry (and the option to have the luck attribute affect crit chance). I also added the option to have the vanilla jumping mechanic and sprinting increase crit chance (configurable) slightly, for those who still want to reward players for timing their attacks correctly.
- Added more juicy hit sounds.
- Added hit sounds for the bow when you land your shot. It definitely makes killing with the bow much more satisfying (think CoD hit marker sounds).
- Spartan Weaponry weapons will now have the correct reach distance when in the off-hand.