Mod Immersive Weathering [FABRIC] by OrdanaryMods

  • Immersive Weathering [FABRIC] by OrdanaryMods

    An abundance of new natural systems to make your world feel more alive than ever.
    • 3641819
    • 2.55 MB
    • 1.19.2
    • January 22, 2022
    • August 7, 2023
    • Biomes
      Utility & QoL
      World Gen
    Immersive Weathering [FABRIC]
Mod Information
NameImmersive Weathering [FABRIC]AuthorOrdanaryModsDescriptionAn abundance of new natural systems to make your world feel more alive than ever.
InformationDownloads: 3641819
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 2.55 MB
Updated at: August 7, 2023
Created at: January 22, 2022
Utility & QoL
World Gen


 This mod is also available for Forge.


For Detailed Information on the features of this mod, check out our wiki.


If you have any questions or would like to follow the development of this or any of my other mods, you can join our discord server.


Immersive Weathering features a number of new and unique mechanics focused on adding life and immersion to the world. For example; cobblestone becoming mossy when exposed to water or moss, bricks cracking when exposed to extreme heat and time, soot forming on rooves above fires and campfires, iron rusting when exposed to the elements, icicles forming below leaves in the cold, leaves piling below trees, grass blocks growing tall grass and flowers on top of them over time and much more.


The mod also features mechanics designed to make gameplay as convenient as possible, meaning you can change the state of blocks that change and prevent them from changing if you so wish. 

Showcase Videos: