Mod ImmersiveMC by 275hammy
- 375.75 KB
- 1.19.4
- April 9, 2022
- July 22, 2023
- Utility & QoL
Name | ImmersiveMC | Author | 275hammy | Description | Makes Minecraft more immersive! |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.19.4 Size: 375.75 KB Updated at: July 22, 2023 Created at: April 9, 2022 | Tags | Utility & QoL |
Are you sick of in-game GUIs? Do you want to make your game immersive, whether you're in VR or not? Do you want to take Vivecraft to the next level?
Then you'll love ImmersiveMC!
ImmersiveMC is available for Forge and Fabric! If you don't see the version you want to play, click the "Files" tab above and browse for the version for your modloader of choice!
IMPORTANT! ImmersiveMC has a few requirements/dependencies that MUST be installed! These are:
- Architectury API is required for Minecraft versions 1.18.2 and higher.
- mc-vr-api if you're playing in VR.
- Forge Config API Port if you're playing under Fabric.
- Fabric API if you're playing under Fabric.
What is ImmersiveMC?
The goal of ImmersiveMC is to make Minecraft more immersive! It most obviously does this by minimizing the amount of GUIs you need to interact with.
You can use things such as the crafting table, furnaces, and brewing stands without having to open a GUI, and even more when you're in VR! Check out all of the features that ImmersiveMC offers at the wiki linked above!
There's VR support! In fact, this mod was primarily built to make VR a better experience!
You'll need my API mod, mc-vr-api to use this in VR. With this mod installed, you'll be able to use your actual hands to place items, instead of just right clicking!
ImmersiveMC is needed on both the server and the client if you're playing multiplayer! ImmersiveMC is NOT a client-side only mod!
ImmersiveMC's chests are currently incompatible with the Deeper and Darker mod. This will be fixed in a future release of Deeper and Darker!
Need Help?
Check out the wiki linked above! Still need help? Come join the Discord!
Version Support
1.16.5: Grab a release! The 1.16.5 version will very rarely receive updates however, as it is no longer supported. But don't let that stop you from enjoying the ImmersiveMC that's already there! :)
1.18.2: The 1.18.2 version of ImmersiveMC is available! Grab a release and get playing!
1.19.2: You can download for 1.19.2 from the right hand side! Grab a release and have fun!
1.19.3: As of Jan. 3, 2023, 1.19.3 is now available! Grab a download from the side!
Future versions coming soon!
Fabric: Fabric is supported for Minecraft versions 1.18.2 and up. Fabric 1.16.x support is not planned.
Other/Older Versions: There are no plans to backport ImmerisveMC to older versions of Minecraft, nor are there any plans to port it to minor versions of Minecraft that have newer versions. For example, there are no plans to port ImmersiveMC to 1.19.0, as 1.19.2 already exists. Note that as of 1.19.3, what is and isn't a minor version is more ambiguous due to Mojang's new update strategy for Minecraft: Java Edition.
Come join the ImmersiveMC Discord server for support and announcements of ImmersiveMC updates!
Modpacks and Redistribution?
Feel free to use this mod in any modpack as long as you do NOT charge for it! That said, please don't distribute this mod, and instead link to the GitHub or CurseForge download links!