Mod InGame Info XML by Lunatrius
- 22932947
- 308.06 KB
- 1.12.2
- November 15, 2014
- October 10, 2017
- CosmeticMap and Information
Mod Information
Name | InGame Info XML | Author | Lunatrius | Description | A customizable "F3 screen". |
Information | Downloads: 22932947 Version: 1.12.2 Size: 308.06 KB Updated at: October 10, 2017 Created at: November 15, 2014 | Tags | Cosmetic Map and Information |
The mod allows you to display a very customizable "F3 screen". It ships with a default config (in XML), which can be replaced/changed by your own. It supports XML, JSON and the text format (slightly modified version of bspkrs' format).
Community config files ("new")
You can find a list of community submitted config files here.
If you'd like to contribute your own config file, feel free to submit a pull request (PR) or send the config file to me and I'll add it for you.
- Minecraft Forge
- LunatriusCore (1.7.2+ only)
- Just drop the file into your mods folder. That's it.
Usage (customization)
- /igi - show all available subcommands (all commands can be auto-completed by pressing)
- /igi save <TAB> - save the currently loaded configuration
- /igi taglist - show a list of all available tags
Crash Reports, Translations, Suggestions
Modpacks: you can freely include any of the mods in your mod pack if the modpack is free (public or private). Mentioning me as the author is appreciated but not required.
Youtube/Streaming: you can monetize any videos you produce with the mod.