Mod Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat by leon_mout

  • Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat by leon_mout

    Enable Flywheel's optimizations when use shaders.
    • 1489924
    • 67.67 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • August 15, 2022
    • July 31, 2023
    • Miscellaneous
    Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat
Mod Information
NameIris & Oculus Flywheel CompatAuthorleon_moutDescriptionEnable Flywheel's optimizations when use shaders.
InformationDownloads: 1489924
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 67.67 KB
Updated at: July 31, 2023
Created at: August 15, 2022

What's this?


Flywheel will disable its optimizations when you use shaderpack.

This mod forces Flywheel's optimizations to be enabled.

For those using shaderpack and mods depend on Flywheel, this mod can significantly improve fps.

If you don't use shaderpack, this mod has no effect. Because Flywheel's optimizations are enabled by default.


Sorry, I’ve been really busy lately. The version that supports 1.19.2 and iris 1.5 has been updated.


The old versions (0.1.5 and 0.1.6) will crash with iris 1.4. Please use 0.1.7 if you are using iris 1.4.





















How to use it?


1. Install Flywheel and Iris (Oculus if you use forge).

2. Install this mod.

3. Patch the shaderpack(Optional). If you don't patch the shader, the block that Flywheel rendered will lose lighting.


I'll upload the patches of some shaderpacks to github, you can download it in the releases page. Just drag the files into the shaderpack you used. The gbuffers_flw.vsh, gbuffers_flw.fsh, shadow_flw.vsh, shadow_flw.fsh and other files or folders should be placed in shaders folder.



It can patch shaders automatically now! (after 0.1.5)


The shaders that have been tested are:


  • BSL
  • Complementary
  • Complementary Reimagined 
  • SEUS renewed
  • Sildurs Vibrant Shaders




Why need to patch shaderpacks?


The reason is that flywheel will generate its own shaders to compute the vertex data. If we want  Flywheel and Iris to work together, we need to combine the shaders generated by Flywheel and the shaders loaded by Iris. It's very difficult to determine where to insert the code automatically. So my method is create templates for different shaderpacks, and use them to generate shaders.


If you don't patch the shaderpack, Flywheel can still work, but will use the shaders generated by itself witch has different lighting effect with the shaderpack you used.


If you have the knowledge of how to write shaders, you can create patches your self. It's quite easy. For more information read this.


Without lighting

Complementary Shader without patch patch complementary.png

Complementary Shader with patch