Mod Iron Chests (Fabric) by cyberanner
- 1807760
- 552.56 KB
- 1.20.1
- June 28, 2021
- June 15, 2023
- Storage
Name | Iron Chests (Fabric) | Author | cyberanner | Description | Iron Chests for Fabric. Enhance your gameplay with bigger chests! |
Information | Downloads: 1807760 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 552.56 KB Updated at: June 15, 2023 Created at: June 28, 2021 | Tags | Storage |
Iron Chests for Fabric
Iron Chests for Fabric is a simple mod that enhances your Minecraft Gameplay by adding new, upgradable chests, that will allow you to store more items in a single block.
Each Chest can be upgraded, starting from the Wooden Chest (Vanilla Minecraft). By doing so you will just need to craft a Chest Upgrade, and SHIFT + RIGHT_CLICK the chest you want to upgrade. This will avoid the need to break the already placed chest. Do not worry, the chest will keep its inventory.
Now with Crystal Chest
Please feel free to contribute to develop the mod by suggesting any enhancement in the "Issue" section on GitHub, or any code improvement by using the "Pull Request" section. You can also use this last one to submit a translation of the mod (or an update of the existing translations).
Mod Requirements
Chest Upgrades:
Christmas: 27 Slots
Copper: 45 Slots
Iron: 54 Slots
Gold: 81 Slots
Emerald: 108 Slots
Diamond: 108 Slots
Crystal: 108 Slots
Obsidian: 108 Slots
Crafting Recipes
Copper Chest
Iron Chest
Gold Chest
Diamond Chest
Obsidian Chest
Upgrade Items
Wood to Copper
Copper to Iron
Iron to Gold
Gold to Diamond
Diamond to Obsidian
Known Bugs
Currently there are no known bugs. If you find one please report it on GitHub, explaining how you encountered it, how to reproduce it, attaching a crashlog and any other type of evidence.