Mod Item Highlighter [Forge] by Grend_G
- 8950334
- 967.26 KB
- 1.12.2
- August 28, 2021
- August 11, 2023
- Map and InformationMiscellaneousUtility & QoL
Mod Information
Name | Item Highlighter [Forge] | Author | Grend_G | Description | Highlights newly picked-up items. Simple and convenient. |
Information | Downloads: 8950334 Version: 1.12.2 Size: 967.26 KB Updated at: August 11, 2023 Created at: August 28, 2021 | Tags | Map and Information Miscellaneous Utility & QoL |
This is the Forge version of the mod, if you're looking for Fabric click here.
Quickly find new items by showing an animated star on all newly-picked up items.
This mod requires Iceberg, you can download it here.
Client / Server
This mod needs to be installed on just the client.
Can be configured to clear new item markers when you close your inventory and/or when you hover over them. You can also choose whether to keep the gold colored icons, or if the icons should match the item name colors.
The appearance of the new item markers can be customized with resource packs. But why would you? They're so cute.
You are free to use this mod in modpacks.
Problems, feature request, something else? Join us on Discord!