Mod ItsBecauseUHasNoGoodSpawn by 0xilly
- 17.76 KB
- 1.10.2
- December 5, 2016
- January 5, 2017
- BiomesDimensionsStructures
Mod Information
Name | ItsBecauseUHasNoGoodSpawn | Author | 0xilly | Description | A companion to YUNoMakeGoodMap |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.10.2 Size: 17.76 KB Updated at: January 5, 2017 Created at: December 5, 2016 | Tags | Biomes Dimensions Structures |
This mod is a simple addon for YUNoMakeGoodMap to simplify the creating of islands on login. So far it has 2(more coming soon™ ) commands
- "createislandfor <player>" creates an island if the player island does not exist
- "tptoisland <islandname>" teleports a player to an island
By default the mod will create an island on players login and store it to the island.json file DO NOT EDIT the island.json file unless your are planning on deleting your world this could cause you to loose your islands.
This mod requires YUNoMakeGoodMap.
- Gui to show islands
- Add islands to list