Mod JEITweaker by Jaredlll08
- 18779286
- 152.88 KB
- 1.18.2
- March 21, 2020
- August 16, 2023
- CosmeticCraftTweakerMap and Information
Mod Information
Name | JEITweaker | Author | Jaredlll08 | Description | Adds CraftTweaker support to Just Enough Items |
Information | Downloads: 18779286 Version: 1.18.2 Size: 152.88 KB Updated at: August 16, 2023 Created at: March 21, 2020 | Tags | Cosmetic CraftTweaker Map and Information |
This mod adds CraftTweaker support for Just Enough Items, such as the ability to hide items, hide categories and add JEI descriptions items.
This used to be a part of CraftTweaker itself, but since CraftTweaker was rewritten for 1.14, the mod support is being pulled out into it's own mod.
Documentation for the mod is available on the CraftTweaker Docs!
If you need any help, you should checkout our discord over here: Discord
If you would like to support me in my modding endeavors, you can become a patron via Patreon.
This project is sponsored by Nodecraft. Use code JARED for 30% off your first month of service!