Mod JER Integration by AlasDiablo
- 3276568
- 29.04 KB
- 1.19.2
- July 21, 2021
- September 1, 2023
- AddonsMap and Information
Mod Information
Name | JER Integration | Author | AlasDiablo | Description | Add more computability to Just Enough Resources (JER) |
Information | Downloads: 3276568 Version: 1.19.2 Size: 29.04 KB Updated at: September 1, 2023 Created at: July 21, 2021 | Tags | Addons Map and Information |
About The JER Integration
JER Integration is the mod who add more computability to Just Enough Resources (JER).
To allow this JER Integration implemented compatibility patches which are:
- Mob Drops (Adds loots given by mobs)
- Dungeon Loot (Adds missing loot tables)
- Ore Gen (Adds missing ores)
- Plant Drops (Adds plant drops)
The current compatibility list is available in the "Dependencies" section.
Optionals / Compatibles
- compatibles mods may change a lot, you can found the current compatible mod in the files dependency list
- Or check JER Integration online documentation
If you want to contribute you can to it via:
- Bug report
- Feature request
- Bug fix
- Any useful code change
- If you want to give a donation you can't because we don't have a Patreon(or anything like this), for now you just need to download the mod on CurseForge!
- The source code is under MIT License
- Contact us via Discord
- AlasDiablo · lIotaMiu - Original author, main contributor
- Dadadodu · Safyrus - Testing, proposition
- Any Contributor - Bug report, bug fix
- And people who download my mod!