Mod JER Ore Integration by Axieum
- 29.14 KB
- 1.12.2
- June 25, 2018
- June 25, 2018
- AddonsCosmeticMap and InformationOres and Resources
Name | JER Ore Integration | Author | Axieum | Description | A JER addon that integrates various ores with its graphing capabilities. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 29.14 KB Updated at: June 25, 2018 Created at: June 25, 2018 | Tags | Addons Cosmetic Map and Information Ores and Resources |
Integrating various ores from many mods into the Just Enough Resources (JER) ore generation graphing capabilities, this mod will fill the void of non-registered ores.
Currently Supported Mods: more will be added overtime; feel free to contribute (open-source)
- Biomes O' Plenty ("biomesoplenty.json")
Upon launching your game for the first time, the mod will create a folder called "jeroreintegration", in which you may use the same format as the automatically generated files (or edit the generated files) to your liking. Adding/removing blocks as you wish.
There are 4 generation types support by Just Enough Resources: "square", "triangular", "points" and "underwater":
Square accepts a value of "veinCount,veinSize,minY,maxY"; This is the primary generation type you will use, please consult the source code for other implementation types.
I do not own any rights to the Just Enough Resources mod, which was created by Way2muchnoise.