Mod JER Ore Integration by Axieum

  • JER Ore Integration by Axieum

    A JER addon that integrates various ores with its graphing capabilities.
    • 29.14 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • June 25, 2018
    • June 25, 2018
    • Addons
      Map and Information
      Ores and Resources
    JER Ore Integration
Mod Information
NameJER Ore IntegrationAuthorAxieumDescriptionA JER addon that integrates various ores with its graphing capabilities.
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 29.14 KB
Updated at: June 25, 2018
Created at: June 25, 2018
Map and Information
Ores and Resources

Integrating various ores from many mods into the Just Enough Resources (JER) ore generation graphing capabilities, this mod will fill the void of non-registered ores.


Currently Supported Mods: more will be added overtime; feel free to contribute (open-source)

    - Biomes O' Plenty ("biomesoplenty.json")


Tanzanite Ore being shown in-game through JER


Upon launching your game for the first time, the mod will create a folder called "jeroreintegration", in which you may use the same format as the automatically generated files (or edit the generated files) to your liking. Adding/removing blocks as you wish.

There are 4 generation types support by Just Enough Resources: "square", "triangular", "points" and "underwater":

Square accepts a value of "veinCount,veinSize,minY,maxY"; This is the primary generation type you will use, please consult the source code for other implementation types.

I do not own any rights to the Just Enough Resources mod, which was created by Way2muchnoise.