Mod Jade 🔍 by Snownee_
- 24344028
- 502.83 KB
- 1.20.1
- June 19, 2019
- September 24, 2023
- Map and InformationUtility & QoL
Name | Jade 🔍 | Author | Snownee_ | Description | Shows information about what you are looking at. (Hwyla/WAILA fork for Minecraft 1.16+) |
Information | Downloads: 24344028 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 502.83 KB Updated at: September 24, 2023 Created at: June 19, 2019 | Tags | Map and Information Mods Utility & QoL |
1.16+: Jade is a fork of HWYLA that includes many additional features and bug fixes. Which means it is incompatible with Hwyla (because it has included it)
1.15-: Jade is a collection of HWYLA addons that enhance the user experience
Jade is the information HUD mod - Hwyla/Waila for modern Minecraft versions. Designed for better user experience and API.
Jade can be installed only on the client side. But many features require Jade on the server side. (item storage, horse stats, bees in beehive...)
For mod integration, try Jade Addons: Forge Fabric
Keys (default):
- Keypad 0: Open configuration screen
- Keypad 1: Toggle overlay
- Keypad 2: Toggle liquid display
- Keypad 3: Show recipes (Requires JEI)
- Keypad 4: Show uses (Requires JEI)
- Keypad 5: Narrate target
Notable changes compared to Hwyla:
- API re-design
- More vanilla addons
- Higher configurability
- Better accessibility
Item Handlers - Show items inside item handlers (chests, hoppers, ender chests...)
Breaking Progress - Show block breaking progress as a small progress bar
Brewing Stand - Show fuels and process time
Mob Effects - Show what potion effects the mob has
Entity Growth - Show growing time and breeding cooldown of animals
Horse stats - Jump height and speed of horses, mules and donkeys, even strength of llamas
Item Frame - Show item in item frame
Hide Mod Names - Hide mod name in tooltip (Disabled by default)
Beehive - Show bees and honey in beehive
Armor Stand - Show armors on armor stand
Chicken Egg - Show time before next egg
Command Block - Show command line
Trapped Chest - Hide as normal chest
TNT - Show stability
Note Block - Show pitch and instrument
Painting - Show painting name
Accurate Block Name - Shows "Potted Cactus" rather than "Cactus"
Misc - Show boat, end crystal, armor stand and more
For modders - Additional tooltip renderers