Mod JoJo No Kimyou Na Bouken: JoJoCraft by jamonlatino69
- 30.78 MB
- 1.16.5
- May 13, 2022
- July 3, 2022
- Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMCreatorMagicWorld Gen
Name | JoJo No Kimyou Na Bouken: JoJoCraft | Author | jamonlatino69 | Description | This is a jojos Mod Nothing more |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.16.5 Size: 30.78 MB Updated at: July 3, 2022 Created at: May 13, 2022 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Armor, Tools, and Weapons MCreator Magic World Gen |
This Mod Is inspired by the anime JoJos bizzare adventure And Adds New Stuff from the anime Like Stands, Specs And NPC's
WARNING:This Mod Is Only About A 50% Complete, Though it is Undergoing a Rework
Key Binds And Goods
R: Barrage Finisher
Z: Barrage
X: Block (Only really works against Other Stand Users)
O: Jesus Talk (Works For Getting Tusk Act 3)
K: Menu (Very Important)
/: Spare Mode (You Spare By Right Clicking on the enemy when it is on 1 hp)
N: Spec Abillity 1
J: Spec Abillity 2
I: Spec Abillity 3
M: Spec Load Up (Only For Specs That have a load up such as Hamon)
C: Summon/Despawn Stand
F10: Toggle UI
leveling up
To Get Things In This mod you must level up by doing missions (with NPC's E-Maginer And Mini-M)
With Levels you Earn Skill points to get things stand/spec/player related such as worthines
skill point seccion is with the menu button (K by default)
- Part 3 stands are gotten by talking with avdol and having worthiness 2 or more
- part 4-6 and 8 stands are goten by using a stand arrow and having worthiness 2 or more
- And Part 7 stands are goten by using a Corpse Part and having worthiness 3 or more
- BTD arrows need worthines 4 or more
- Requiem arrows need worthiness 5
- Custom Stands Need Worthiness 3
Requiem Stands
Golden Experience Requiem
King Crimson Requiem
Silver Chariot Requiem
BTD Stands
Killer Queen BTD
Star Platinum The World
To Use Custom Stand's You must have Gamerule Custom Stands set to true
Custom Stand's
Dont Stop Me Now
Every Breath You Take
A1: Integrity Shift
A2: Gaster Blaster
A3: Counter/Teleport
A4: Bone Blockage
A5: Bad Time
This mod has no spanish translation "yet" but it is planed same with other languages also Most Stands Have Sounds And Soon Everything Will Have Sounds, Some Models Are not to good and will be replaced in the future, Examples:
King Crimson, Silver Chariot Requiem, Purple Haze, Ball Breaker, Excetera.
Credits To:
Negative_Man (Asked me to not put a link)
All Stands
Z: Barage
R: Barrage Finisher
A1: V
A2: G
A3: Y
A4: U
A5: H
A6: B
A1: Bullet Barrage: a constant wave of bullets that lasts 8 seconds max
A2: Propellor Slice: aerosmith launches itself and deals some damage
A3: Little Boys: areosmith releases 3 small bombs
A4: Fat Man: aerosmith launches a large bomb
Ball Breaker
A1: Aging Ball: Ball breaker ages people around him in 1 seccond and then throws a steel ball
A1: Uppercut to the moon: C-Moon punches someone levitating them for 3 sec and then shoots them down
A2: Surface Inversion Punch: C-Moon punches and launches someon
A3: Gravitational Negation: its a counter that gives a boost
A4: Gravitational Shift: gives a boost and slows nearby people
Crazy Diamond
A1: Heal Punch
A2: Wall Creation
A3: Ball Shot
A4: Stand Jump
A5: Rage Mode
A6: Stuck in Ground Punch
A1: Dimensional Clone
A2: Dimensional Clone Victim
A3: Revolver Shot
A4: Dimension Hop
A5: Dimensional Clone Switch
(After Getting Love Train)
A6: Love Train
Golden Experience
A1: Self Heal
A2: Create Tree
A3: Create Spider
A4: Arm Cutter
A5: 7 Page Muda
Golden Experience Requiem
A1: Self Heal +
A2: Create Spider
A3: Laser Of Life
A4: Create Tree
A5: Nullification
A6: Awakaning
Hierophant Green
A1: Emerald Splash
A1: Dumb Luck
A2: Personification
A3: Slammer
Killer Queen
A1: First Bomb
A2: Bomb Jump
A3: Coin Bomb Throw
A4: Sheer Heart Atack
A5: Coin Bomb
(After getting Bites The Dust)
A5: Stray Cat Bomb
A6: Bites The Dust
King Crimson
A1: Epitaph
A2: Erase Time
A3: Donut
A4: Blood Blinder
A5: Limb Remover
A6: Time Skip
King Crimson Requiem
A1: Absolute Epitaph
A2: Erase Time +
A3: Time Skip +
A4: Reality Marble
A5: Reality Sythe
A6: Blood Blinder
Made In Heaven
A1: Knife
A2: Speed Slice
A3: Double Speed Time
A4: Infinite Speed Slash
A5: Time Aceleration
A6: Universe Reset
Magicians Red
A1: Crossfire Hurricane
A2: Red Binding
A3: Bakugo
Purple Haze
A1: Head Smasher
A2: Ground Breaker
A3: Bulb Destroyer
Scary Monsters
None Yet Xd
Sex Pistols
A1: Pistol Punch
A2: Bullet Barage
A3: Bullet Barage Shot
A4: Perfect Shot
Silver Chariot
A1: Armour Off Mode
A2: Million Pinches
A3: Sorounding Slices
A4: Last Shot
Silver Chariot Requiem
A1: Conquerors Will
A2: Slow Walker
A3: Your Own Shadow
A4: Arrow Barrage
Soft And Wet
A1: Sound Giving Bubble
A2: Sight Removing Bubble
A3: Bubble Barrier
A4: Bubble Bomb Surface
A5: Destructive Bubble
A6: Friction Giving Bubble
Star Platinum
A1: Star Finger
A2: Ora Kicks
A3: Time Skip
A4: Inhale
A5: Rage Mode
A6: The World
Star Platinum The World
A1: Platinum Slam
A2: Skull Crusher
A3: Star Platinum The World
A4: Combat Precision
A5: Ora Kicks +
A6: Time Skip
Sticky Fingers
A1: Arrivederci
A2: Food Bring
A3: Hand Launch
A4: Zipper Upercutt
The Hand
A1: First Erasure
A2: Seccond Erasure
A3: Erase Space
A4: Erase Pull
The Sun
A1: Is It Getting Hot In Here
The World Alternative Universe
A1: Limb Breaker
A2: Knife
A3: Pistol
A4: Time Skip
A5: The World
The World
A1: Launched Knife
A2: Time Skip
A3: Muda Kicks
A4: Road Roller
A5: Knifes
A6: The World
The World Over Heaven
A1: Reality Manipulation
A2: The World Over Heaven
A3: Time Skip
A4: Lightning Knifes
A5: Thunder Strike
A6: Self Reality Overwrite
Tusk Act 1
A1: Nail Shot
A2: Nail Cut
A3: Tea Time
Tusk Act 2
A1: Nail Shots
A2: Nail Cut +
A3: Tea Time +
Tusk Act 3
A1: Nail Shots +
A2: Nail Cut +
A3: Tea Time ++
A4: Wormhole Nails
A5: Wormhole Uppercutt
Tusk Act 4
A1: Nail Shots ++
A2: Tea Time +++
A3: Wormhole Nails +
A4: Wormhole Uppercutt +
A5: Golden Rotation Nail
A6: Arigato Gyro
Weather Report
A1: Terminal Velocity
A2: Path Of Justice
A3: Atmospheric Clouds
A4: Deciding Strike
A5: Flash Flood Warining
A1: Stand Disc Steal
A2: Memory Disc Steal
A3: Pistol Shots
A4: Acid Spit
Wonder Of You
A1: Untouchable
A2: Random Speed Getaway
A3: Cane Barrage
A4: Oops You Triped
A5: Random Plane
A6: Gang Atacker
A1: Consume Yourself
Beach Boy
A1: Rod Pull
A2: Rod Atack
A3: Auto Rod Pull
A4: Rod Atack 2
Green Day
A1: Moss Shot
A2: Uppercutt Throw
A3: The Good Stuff
A4: Automatic Protecion
Heavens Door
A2: Page Rip
A3: Launch
A4: You Cant Atack Me
A5: Ink Shot
A6: Page Counter
A1: Internal Bleeding
A2: God Of Death
A3: Afterimage
A4: Cursed Blade
A5: 3 Slasher
Black Sabath
A1: Stand Giving Peirce
A1: Charge Up
A2: Electrify
A3: Elecric Jabs
A4: Stab
A5: Blinder
A6: Short Circuit Shot
Hermit Purple
A1: Grapple
A1R: Launcher
A2: Joestar Technique
A3: Double Whip
A4: Camera Locator
Cheap Trick
Passive1: Cheap Trick
The Gratefull Dead
A1: Aging
A2: Self Aging
A3: Age Increasing Grab
New Stands
None Yet ;)
Future Stands
M: Charge
SA1: Long Punch
SA2: Flaming Sun Throw
SA3: Sunlight Yellow Overdrive
SP1: Strength
SP2: Fire Resistance
Passive1: Is A Trowable Ball That Inflicts Cooldown
SA1: Upercutt
SA2: Head Poper
SA3: Boxing Barrage
SP1: Resistance
SP2: Strength
Future Specs
Span Hamon: