Mod JourneyMap Server by techbrew
- 25.37 KB
- 1.19.2
- November 4, 2014
- February 22, 2021
- Map and InformationServer Utility
Mod Information
Name | JourneyMap Server | Author | techbrew | Description | Server Plugin to assist and administer features in the JourneyMap Client Mod |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.19.2 Size: 25.37 KB Updated at: February 22, 2021 Created at: November 4, 2014 | Tags | Map and Information Server Utility |
JourneyMap Server - Bukkit
Provides a way for journeymap to identify worlds on bungeecord servers.
One thing to note, this mod only provides worldId for multi world servers, it does not provide access to the Server Admin screens from journeymap on the client.
You must use the forge mod on a forge server to have access to the server admin screen.
Please visit the wiki page for documentation: