Mod Kobolds! by Jusey1z
- 4158707
- 2.34 MB
- 1.20.1
- May 22, 2021
- September 15, 2023
- Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMobsStructuresWorld Gen
Mod Information
Name | Kobolds! | Author | Jusey1z | Description | Adds a new underground civilization of tiny lizard people! |
Information | Downloads: 4158707 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 2.34 MB Updated at: September 15, 2023 Created at: May 22, 2021 | Tags | Armor, Tools, and Weapons Mobs Structures World Gen |
This mod adds in an underground civilization of kobolds which can be traded with and they defend their dens from the common threats of the Overworld!
- Friendly Kobolds that can be traded with!
- Kobolds are breedable with Amethyst Shards! (Requires a nearby Warrior)!
- Give a base Kobold an Kobold Iron Axe to upgrade them to a Kobold Warrior!
- Kobold Warriors that defends their homes from zombies, skeletons, and 'big nose people', but do not trade.
- Peaceful Kobold Enchanters that offers an alternate method of obtaining Mending, as well as new potions, and a new enchantment!
- Pirate Kobolds in the Jungle biomes with a Captain who will pay you in emeralds for desirable items like gold tools.
- Kobold Den structures that spawns underground in small, large, mountain, and pirate variations.
- Zombolds that can spawn in Swamp Biomes! (They also can be cured and Kobolds can be Zombified)!
- Drowned Zombolds that offers another method of obtaining tridents.
- Skelebolds from within a Kobold Resting place in the desert.
-Giodude1580: Original Texture Artist for the Kobolds, edited by me due to some personal preferences I had in mind for my Kobolds.
-Burack: Newer Texture Artist who has help with textures in recent updates.
-Lorian Ross: Music Disc - Kobblestone.
- I will not be doing backports to previous versions of Minecraft.
- I will not be doing a Fabric version for the time being.