Mod Kobolds! by Jusey1z

  • Kobolds! by Jusey1z

    Adds a new underground civilization of tiny lizard people!
    • 4158707
    • 2.34 MB
    • 1.20.1
    • May 22, 2021
    • September 15, 2023
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      World Gen
Mod Information
NameKobolds!AuthorJusey1zDescriptionAdds a new underground civilization of tiny lizard people!
InformationDownloads: 4158707
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 2.34 MB
Updated at: September 15, 2023
Created at: May 22, 2021
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
World Gen


 This mod adds in an underground civilization of kobolds which can be traded with and they defend their dens from the common threats of the Overworld!




  • Friendly Kobolds that can be traded with!
  • Kobolds are breedable with Amethyst Shards! (Requires a nearby Warrior)!
  • Give a base Kobold an Kobold Iron Axe to upgrade them to a Kobold Warrior!
  • Kobold Warriors that defends their homes from zombies, skeletons, and 'big nose people', but do not trade.
  • Peaceful Kobold Enchanters that offers an alternate method of obtaining Mending, as well as new potions, and a new enchantment!
  • Pirate Kobolds in the Jungle biomes with a Captain who will pay you in emeralds for desirable items like gold tools.
  • Kobold Den structures that spawns underground in small, large, mountain, and pirate variations.
  • Zombolds that can spawn in Swamp Biomes! (They also can be cured and Kobolds can be Zombified)!
  • Drowned Zombolds that offers another method of obtaining tridents.
  • Skelebolds from within a Kobold Resting place in the desert.



-Giodude1580: Original Texture Artist for the Kobolds, edited by me due to some personal preferences I had in mind for my Kobolds.
-Burack: Newer Texture Artist who has help with textures in recent updates.
-Lorian Ross: Music Disc - Kobblestone.






  • I will not be doing backports to previous versions of Minecraft.
  • I will not be doing a Fabric version for the time being.