Mod LaserIO by Direwolf20

  • LaserIO by Direwolf20

    Route Items, Fluids, and Energy around your world - with Lasers!
    • 5706003
    • 1.19 MB
    • 1.20.1
    • May 23, 2022
    • September 27, 2023
    • Automation
      Energy, Fluid, and Item Transport
Mod Information
NameLaserIOAuthorDirewolf20DescriptionRoute Items, Fluids, and Energy around your world - with Lasers!
InformationDownloads: 5706003
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 1.19 MB
Updated at: September 27, 2023
Created at: May 23, 2022
Energy, Fluid, and Item Transport

It started out as a completely different mod, but once I saw how many people wanted to see 'EnderIO Pipes' brought back - the plans got changed and LaserIO was born. 


LaserIO seeks to replicate the mechanics of EnderIO - allowing you to interact with items, fluids, energy, and redstone -- all from the same block face! Furthermore, 9 separate configurations can be placed per block face, leading to nearly limitless potential for logistics around transportation of resources. 


This mod has a built in Patchouli book to get you started, and teach you the ways of LaserIO!




For now, please enjoy, and report bugs on our Github page -- linked above!

