Mod Level Up! Reloaded by BeetoGuy
- 19924107
- 1.03 MB
- 1.12.2
- September 17, 2016
- September 30, 2020
- Adventure and RPG
Name | Level Up! Reloaded | Author | BeetoGuy | Description | Feel like your experience is worth something |
Information | Downloads: 19924107 Version: 1.12.2 Size: 1.03 MB Updated at: September 30, 2020 Created at: September 17, 2016 | Tags | Adventure and RPG |
Level Up! is a class and skills system for Minecraft. Created by Remalis for Beta 1.8.1, it was left unupdated after release 1.0 until release 1.6.4, where it was picked up and updated by GotoLink until release 1.8. As of release 1.10.2, I've decided to pick up the torch and attempt to provide continuing support. The mod comes in two versions: The original, left mostly intact with a few tweaks, and the rewritten version, which was rebuilt into a mod that provides a skill tree and a level spending system. This is the page for the rewritten version. The original legacy version can be found here.
Original Level Up!
Currently, Level Up! has 13 classes you can choose from as soon as you meet the level requirements. (You can visit the Level Up! GUI at any time (L key by default) the moment you are able to choose a class.)
- Miner - 10 points mining, 5 points digging and smelting, extra XP mining ores
- Spelunker - 10 points defense, 5 points athletics and mining, extra XP mining ores
- Archaeologist - 10 points digging, 5 points mining and woodcutting, extra XP mining ores
- Hermit - 10 points cooking, 5 points mining and digging, extra XP mining ores
- Warrior - 10 points melee, 5 points defense and marksman, extra XP fighting
- Scout - 10 points marksman, 5 points stealth and athletics, extra XP fighting
- Assassin - 10 points stealth, 5 points melee and marksman, extra XP fighting
- Zealot - 10 points athletics, 5 points melee and defense, extra XP fighting
- Artisan - 10 points smelting, 5 points woodcutting and cooking, extra XP crafting
- Farmer - 10 points farming, 5 points fishing and woodcutting, extra XP crafting
- Lumberjack - 10 points woodcutting, 5 points defense and athletics, extra XP crafting
- Fisherman - 10 points fishing, 5 points cooking and woodcutting, extra XP crafting
- Freelancer - 20 free points to spend however you wish, however you do not gain an XP bonus from anything
Alongside these classes are 12 skills.
- Mining - every 5 points increases mining speed, while each point increases chance of double drops from ores (duplicate ores are not placeable, unless specified in the configs)
- Sword - every 5 points increases base hit damage, while each point increases chance of a random crit
- Defense - every 5 points provides inherent armor to your character, while each point increases chance of damage being completely negated if blocking (will probably come up with something else for this, with the Combat Update changing things)
- Woodcutting - every 5 points increases wood chopping speed, while each point increases chance of sticks or planks dropping with the log
- Smelting - every 5 points increases furnace speed while you are smelting non-food items in-GUI, every point increases chance of double yield
- Archery - every 5 points increases bow drawback speed, while each point increases arrow speed
- Athletics - every 5 points reduces fall damage, while each point increases sprinting speed
- Cooking - every 5 points increases furnace speed while you are smelting food items in-GUI, every point increases chance of double yield
- Sneaking - every 5 points reduces mob line-of-sight while sneaking, while every point increases sneak speed
- Farming - every 5 points increases the chance of double crop drops, while every point increases crop growth in an increasing radius
- Fishing - every 5 points increases the chance of bonus loot on top of your catch, while every point reduces the time it takes for a bite
- Digging - every 5 points increases the chance of getting flint from gravel, while every point increases chance of treasure from dirt blocks (both negated with Silk Touch)
Rewritten version
Currently, the rewritten version allows you to choose a class loadout that provides initial skill levels and one of three specializations, which determines what gives you bonus XP, mining, crafting, and combat. After you choose your class, you can open up the skill menu to see the three different skill trees, which can be customized to a larger degree than the original. This is different from the original in that earn skill points as you level, you spend levels to gain skill points (shift-right-click with the skill book in hand and at least 5 levels stockpiled). This is meant to provide incentive to stockpile levels, but not to the point where you would neglect other mechanics that rely on them, such as enchanting tables or the Ender IO Soul Binder.
Choose your play style and allocate points to enhance your Minecraft experience!
Due to the nature of the original license of the mod in the original thread, I would like to direct to this post in GotoLink's thread, from the original author, stating that continuations and derivative projects are allowed:
Want to discuss this mod or others that I manage? Hit up the Dorf Science Discord.