Mod LibZ by Globox_Z
- 193466
- 2.00 MB
- 1.20.1
- March 24, 2023
- August 20, 2023
- API and Library
Mod Information
Name | LibZ | Author | Globox_Z | Description | open source library for a couple of globox_z mods |
Information | Downloads: 193466 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 2.00 MB Updated at: August 20, 2023 Created at: March 24, 2023 | Tags | API and Library |
This mod is a library mod for a couple of Globox_Z's mods.
One main feature it adds is the tab registry for visible screen tabs.
Honestly, I never wanted to create a library mod and publish it here like others did but after modding for quite some time now, this makes sense.
This mod is developed for Fabric.
There are no plans to develop a Forge version.
Modpack Permission:
Feel free to use it in any modpacks.
Bug Report:
Just report bugs at the github page.