Mod Loot Bag by Foliet123

  • Loot Bag by Foliet123

    Make the drop of monster more interesting and exciting.
    • 125.51 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • October 16, 2021
    • March 13, 2023
    • Adventure and RPG
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
    Loot Bag
Mod Information
NameLoot BagAuthorFoliet123DescriptionMake the drop of monster more interesting and exciting.
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 125.51 KB
Updated at: March 13, 2023
Created at: October 16, 2021
Adventure and RPG
Armor, Tools, and Weapons

Loot Bag

Every time you kill a monster, there is a 4% chance to drop a loot bag, and by default only naturally spawned monsters will drop. You can modify it and the drop chance in the configuration file
Right-click to open the loot bag to pick up all the loot from a random loot chest or get an extra gift

Note: 1.18.1 and 1.15.2 are no longer updated


BlackList and BiomeMode have been added to configuration file

  • add itemId to BlackList can disable some items from Loot Bag(e.g. annoying rotten flesh)
  • BiomeMode can ensure that different loot bags are spawned in different biomes.(true by default)
    Set this to false if you want the same drop effect as in previous versions of 1.2.0


configuration file has been moved from ./minecraft/saves/{world name}/serverconfig/ to ./minecraft/config

SlotMode has been added to configuration file

  • SlotMode can make Loot Bag have slots so you can choose which rewards you want(Experimental, may have bugs)

Customised loot tables

The loot table can be injected into minecraft with datapack.
If you want to customise the weight of loots, you can add a similar datapack with the same namespace to override the loot table in the mod.
The format of the loot table can be found in the following link, Please don't change the condition field unless you know what you're doing!

1.19.2-1.2.0 loot table
1.18.2-1.2.0 loot table
1.16.5-1.2.0 loot table


v1.2.0 has come!

This version has introduced a number of changes:

  • Loot bags are not stackable now.
  • (Optional)The loots of a loot bag will change depending on the biome the creature is killed in.(not related to where you open the bag)
    If you obtain a loot bag in the jungle, you can only get chests/jungletemple, chests/simpledungeon, chests/ruinedportal and chests/abandonedmineshaft
    (loot from a simple dungeon can be obtained in any biome and is more likely to be obtained than other loot)
  • Add loot tables of nether fortress and ancient city.(ancient city 1.19.2+ ONLY)
  • Frost wand can only be obtained in the cold/snowy biome.(1.19.2+ ONLY)
  • Reduce the probability of obtaining extra gifts.
  • Add BiomeMode and BlackList config.

Please comment on this mod if you have any suggestions for improvement of it.

The list of possible loot table includes:

  • Jungle Temple
  • Woodland Mansion
  • Simple Dungeon
  • Stronghold Library
  • Ruined Portal
  • Desert Pyramid
  • Abandoned Mineshaft
  • Stronghold Corridor
  • Buried Treasure
  • Bastion Treasure
  • End City Treasure
  • Shipwreck Treasure
  • Extra Gift
  • Ancient City(1.19.2-1.2.0+ ONLY)
  • Nether Fortress(1.2.0+ ONLY)

Many mods can give buff of luck or unluck. The higher the level of luck, the higher the probability of the appearance of treasure-level loot.

Extra Gift can be a practical item, a powerful weapon or something else. Anyway, it won't let you down!

Until now, there are three items in it.



Frost Wand

A magic wand that can generate frost under the feet, frost can last for 15s. This tool can be used to facilitate building in the air or in the water (think about when you want to build a block in the air or in the water, but there is no focus point.

frost wand

Magic Mirror

Tribute to Terraria. The texture of this item is the same as the texture in terraria. Use it to teleport to your respawn point even if your bed or respawn anchor has been removed.

magic mirror

In the future, more interesting items such as a key which is able to open a chest remotely would be added into the mod


  • Add more unique and practical items to the loot bag

I want to know how long it takes for ordinary players to get an extra gift, and use this as a basis to set the drop mechanism Please comment on this mod if you have any suggestions for improvement of it. I would be grateful to your idea :D pic