Mod LootBag Patches by EndangeredNayla
- 295.56 KB
- 1.12.2
- May 27, 2020
- July 28, 2021
- Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsFarmingMobs
Name | LootBag Patches | Author | EndangeredNayla | Description | Patching Some Bags |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 295.56 KB Updated at: July 28, 2021 Created at: May 27, 2020 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Armor, Tools, and Weapons Farming Mobs |
Legal Disclaimer: If you are the original mods developer and you have an issue with this project. Please feel free to msg me on Discord at Nora#2878. I am simply trying to provide a fix for dead and/or discontinued versions of mods and have no intention of trying to damage any mod author's sanity and/or gain monetary value from their work
A Patched Version of LootBags for 1.12.2
LootBags has a Custom License that says when the Mod Dev is Absence someone can modify the mod. I told Malorolam about this Patch and will take it down if they so desire.
This patched version fixes #178 #185 #188 #191 #215 #218
1a: If a modified version of the code is to be used to update the mod in my absence, whether percieved or actual, regardless if the work is done independantly or from the request of a pack developer, inform me of the action.
- Add RU_ru.lang (e3ee244)
- Fixes with Storage (#209)
- Fix potential nullpointer (#89)
- Update tr_TR.lang (#154)
Original Description:
Lootbags is a mod which adds bags that drop other items. It is heavily configurable through its two config files, in which the wiki on GitHub contains more information on using the configs. By default, the mod is configured for a total of 16 bags with both typical bags and "secret" bags which only spawn in certain conditions. The typical bags drop portions of the vanilla world gen loot tables, with rarer bags relating to more consistent rare loot.
The mod includes a loot recycler block which will consume items that are dropped by loot bags, and once a certain value (determined by which bag the recycler is configured to create and a scaling factor) it will create a new lootbag that can be pulled out by any typical modded method of removing items from an inventory. Items can similarly be pumped into the block.
Bags can be opened automatically using the Bag Opener, which supports the insert/extract one would expect.
In 1.12.2, replacing and augmenting the previous crafting system to convert between bags, is the Bag Storage. This block will accept any bag from an auto-generated import list based off of parameters in the bag config, converting that bag into an appropriate value and allows for the extraction of a bag from the auto-generated export list. This bag can be cycled using a gui button and will retain that output choice for automatic removal of the chosen bag. This block will save it's inventory when broken.
Additionally, the mod includes several commands to make using the mod easier. lootbags_itemdump will create a text file in a folder called dumps in your minecraft instance, which contains a list of every item in the general loot table as well as every item every bag can drop, along with those item's weights and rough drop chances. lootbags_identifysources will create a dump file which lists every loot source registered in Forge, every loot source that provides loot to the general loot table, every loot source that has a bag in its list (at least from this mod), and a list of every enchantment. lootbags_dumphelditem will create a dump file which holds a single whitelist entry for the currently held item, including its nbt data. lootbags_inventorydump works much like the previous command, except it will generate entries for the entire inventory in one go. lootbags_reloadconfig will reload both configs as well as all bags and loot tables, so that pack makers do not need to reload the game for small config changes. This command is not intended as a bypass for issues with other mods that manipulate custom items or loot sources, as it is not designed to be usable indefinitely without any memory leaks.
If you want to contact me directly, PMing me through Curse or GitHub is the most reliable way to do so.
My Github page has documentation and tutorials for the config files, they can be found here.
90% of the issues that result in missing textures, localized names, or bag loot tables is caused by an issue with the bag config file. If these issues are showing up and you haven't edited the two config files then deleting the two Lootbags config files (lootbags.cfg and lootbags_BagConfig.cfg) and running the game again will fix the problem.
There is very detailed output log information available. By default it will only output major errors, but enabling Verbose Mode and Debug Mode in the lootbags.cfg will aid greatly in debugging custom bag issues.
Every so often I will tweak the default bag config information or how the config parsing works, this usually causes some small issue with existing bag configs. Deleting the configs, allowing them to be created again, and re-applying any changes will fix the problems.
You can use this in modpacks provided that I am credited and either this page is included in the modpack information. If the pack is created through Curse, this is automatically done.