Mod MC Story Mode Armors [Forge / Fabric] by chronos_sacaria

  • MC Story Mode Armors [Forge / Fabric] by chronos_sacaria

    Bringing the armors of Minecraft Story Mode to Minecraft
    • 2514340
    • 205.09 KB
    • 1.19.3
    • February 1, 2021
    • April 7, 2023
    • Adventure and RPG
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
    MC Story Mode Armors [Forge / Fabric]
Mod Information
NameMC Story Mode Armors [Forge / Fabric]Authorchronos_sacariaDescriptionBringing the armors of Minecraft Story Mode to Minecraft
InformationDownloads: 2514340
Version: 1.19.3
Size: 205.09 KB
Updated at: April 7, 2023
Created at: February 1, 2021
Adventure and RPG
Armor, Tools, and Weapons

Currently Developed for Minecraft Version: 1.19.3
Disclaimer: The Forge Version of this mod requires Cloth Config API (Forge) and the Fabric Version requires Cloth Config API (Fabric). Both version require Architectury (Fabric/Forge).


My modding efforts can be supported on Patreon. I cannot offer much, but I can offer your name to be mentioned here as thanks, a custom Discord role on the Timefall Development Discord and Adventure Pack Discord, and you will have my eternal gratitude! You can access my Patreon here or by using the button below. Also, come check out the Discord Server for my mods if you have questions or need help.

Patreon Button   


Have you ever wanted to have the armors from Minecraft Story Mode in your Minecraft world? Well, now that's possible! MC Story Mode Armors (MCSA) aims to bring all of these armors from Minecraft Story Mode to Minecraft.


Want to play with on a server with friends? How about considering a server from BisectHosting? They're already set up and ready to go!


WIP Warning

This mod is a work in progress.  As such, aspects may feel unbalanced. If you have any feedback, please send it to me as having more insight will help me make a better mod! :)





Right now, there are more than 20 new armor sets to the game ranging from the Dragonsbane to Tim's Armor. Almost all of these items can be found in chests scattered about the world, but mostly in villages and strongholds. You can also craft Soren's Enderman Suit for some added protection against endermen.


Updates - Unified

Version 4.0.0 -- 1.19.3 Update, Version Bump, Licence Update

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.19.3 (Forge & Fabric)

Made class changes necessary for 1.19.3
Moved BlockItemsInit to common
Added drops for Pumpkin Blocks
Reorganised lang files
Removed broken image paths
Finished zh_cn.json lang file
Corrected grammar in en_us.json lang file
Corrected additional characters in zh_cn.json lang file
Updated the Timefall Development License to version 1.1
Moved LivingEntityMixin and ServerPlayerEntityMixin to common
Implemented CleanlinessHelper in EndermanEntityMixin
Removed duplicate code
Updated licences in fabric.mod.json and mods.toml files

Version 3.1.3 -- 1.19.3 Backport, Version Bump, Licence Update

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.19.2 (Forge & Fabric)
- 1.19.1 (Forge & Fabric)
- 1.19 (Forge & Fabric)

Moved BlockItemsInit to common
Moved ServerPlayerEntityMixin to common
Added drops for Pumpkin Blocks
Reorganised lang files
Removed broken image paths
Finished zh_cn.json lang file
Corrected grammar in en_us.json lang file
Corrected additional characters in zh_cn.json lang file
Updated the Timefall Development License to version 1.1

Version 3.1.2 -- The Apparently The Last Update Was Backwards Day Update

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.19.2 (Forge & Fabric)
- 1.19.1 (Forge & Fabric)
- 1.19 (Forge & Fabric)

Fixed Armour Abilities not working correctly
Added Config Setting to disable Armour Abilities
Fixed Loot Tables missing items

Version 3.1.1 -- Crash Fix

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.19.2 (Forge & Fabric)
- 1.19.1 (Forge & Fabric)
- 1.19 (Forge & Fabric)

Fixed crash when being attacked by unarmed mob

Version 3.1.0 -- New Content, New Configs, New Translations

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.19.2 (Forge & Fabric)
- 1.19.1 (Forge & Fabric)
- 1.19 (Forge & Fabric)

Added the following Armour Effects
  - Magnus Armour --> Blast Resistance
  - Adamantine Impervium --> Adamantine Guard
  - Ender Defender --> Liberator of the End
  - Dragonsbane --> Dragonslayer
  - Golden Goliath --> Praise the Sun
  - Redstone Riot --> Redstone Engineering
  - Shield of Infinity --> Infinite Defense
  - Star Shield --> Universal Protection
  - Sword Breaker --> Blade Shatter
Updated Simplified Chinese Translation
New Config Option to Hide Armour Effect Tooltips
Some Armours Have Descriptions

Version 3.0.1 -- First Unified Version

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.19.2 (Fabric)
- 1.19.1 (Fabric)
- 1.19 (Fabric)
- 1.18.2 (Forge and Fabric)

Rerelease of 1.18.2 + 1.19.x for Fabric, Initial release for Forge
Requires Architectury
You Must Delete Your Configs!!!
Fixed Loot Table Implementations
Added Config Setting for Villager Trading of Character Armours
Updated License
Added the following Armour Effects
  - Magnus Armour --> Water Breathing
  - Prismarine Soldier Armour --> Water Breathing
  - Dragonsbane --> Protection From Dragon's Breath
Full Forge and Fabric Parity


Updates - Fabric

Version 2.4.0 -- Version Update, Formal Move to Cloth Config for Fabric

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.19.2
- 1.19.1

- 1.19
- 1.18.2
- 1.18.1
- 1.18

Updated to 1.18 and 1.19 versions
Formally Moved to Cloth Config API for Fabric Releases
Removed Access Widener and moved to Fabric Trade Factory

Version 2.3.2 -- White Pumpkin Update

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.17
- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3

Added White Pumpkin and Carved White Pumpkin (The Carved White Pumpkin can be worn and provides Night Vision)

Version 2.2.2 -- Swordbreaker Buff

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5

- 1.16.4

- 1.16.3

Increased armour toughness of Swordbreaker Armour

Version 2.2.1 -- Villager Trading and More Config Options

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5

- 1.16.4

- 1.16.3

Added Character armour to armourer villager trades
Added config option to enable/disable villager trading of armour ***DISABLED BY DEFAULT***

Version 2.1.1 -- More Config Options

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5

- 1.16.4

- 1.16.3

 Added config options to control spawn rates for armours

Version 2.1.0 -- Cosmetic Armor

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5

- 1.16.4

- 1.16.3

 Added support for Cosmetic Armor Mod

Version 2.0.0 -- Major Refactor and Better Configs

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5

- 1.16.4

- 1.16.3

 Almost completely rebuilt from the ground up, but should have no conflicts with 1.0.0. Configs are easier to read and provide better functionality for adjusting armours.

Version 1.0.0 -- Initial Release

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5

- 1.16.4

- 1.16.3

 Initial Release



Updates - Forge

Version 2.3.0 -- White Pumpkin Update

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.16.5

Added White Pumpkin and Carved White Pumpkin
Added Warning for Cloth Config Dependency

Version 2.2.3 -- Forge Bug Fix

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.16.5

Fixed Endermen screaming at player when wearing Enderman Suit and Ender Defender as well as not fighting back

 Version 2.2.2 -- Initial Release

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5

 Initial Release




The continuing improvement to the visuals of this mod would not be possible without SeaOfPixels. He's joined on as Artist and more and we've been working together to balance out some of the issues with MCSA as well. SeaOfPixels has allowed for his amazing models and textures from his resource pack New Default+ to be used in MCSA. Please show him some support and check it out! If you like CIT texture packs, I'm sure that you'll have a blast! The awesome Mod Icon for MCSA was also made by SeaOfPixels.




Would you like to have MC Story Mode Armors translated into your language? Please submit your translation on the GitHub page and I'd be glad to add it!


Currently Available

English - US -- Chronosacaria
Chinese - ZH -- Chronosacaria & CatastropheChou



Without my patrons, I would not be able to devote as much time as I do to making these mods.

Special thanks to

Deona (Custom)
7z99 (Claymore)
EmmyAllEars (Claymore)
ImmortalAbsol_Connor (Claymore)
KodoDenka (Claymore)
NerdFarmer42069 (Claymore)
.purejosh (Sword)



Q: Can I use your mod in my modpack?
A: Absolutely! I only ask that you provide a link back to this page.


Q: I've seen your mod on other sites. Did you post it and are they safe?
A: I have not, nor do I plan to, post my mod on any other sites than Curseforge or my GitHub page. If you have downloaded my mod from somewhere else, 1. It isn't from me and 2. It may have some kind of malicious files or have been modified in some way. I urge you to delete the file, run a full virus and malware scan and, if you want to use MC Story Mode Armors, come and download it on CurseForge or from GitHub.


Q. Forge?

A. By popular demand it is here. Just check the files and you will find the Forge version

Q. I'm looking for something a bit different but that still adds Story Mode armours, what else is out there?

A. You can check out Oliver's Minecraft Story Mode Armors Olivers Story Mode Armors Logo. It offers craftable armours and takes a different approach to MCSA. You can find it here:


Other Mods

Golden Steak - Adds Golden Steaks and Enchanted Golden Steaks
MC Dungeons Weapons - Brings the weapons from Minecraft Dungeons to Minecraft
MC Dungeons Armors - Brings the armor sets from Minecraft Dungeons to Minecraft
MC Dungeons Artifacts - Brings the artifacts from Minecraft Dungeons to Minecraft
Save Gear on Death - A middle ground between Keep Inventory On and Off
Headshot [Forge] - Allows players and some mobs to be headshot
Mob Summoning - Summon Mobs to fight alongside you
Diamond Shards - Break Diamonds into nine Shards. Great for Diamond Based Economies
Loot Config - Gain full customization over the loot tables of Minecraft
Interchangable - Minecraft mod for interchangeable inputs in recipes based on config




Timefall SMP Pack - The Official Modpack for the Timefall Development SMP