Mod MFR Magical Crops Compatibility by Portablejim
- 5.33 KB
- 1.7.10
- February 21, 2015
- March 23, 2016
- AddonsFarmingFoodMagic
Mod Information
Name | MFR Magical Crops Compatibility | Author | Portablejim | Description | For those times when magical crops don't add their crops to MFR. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.7.10 Size: 5.33 KB Updated at: March 23, 2016 Created at: February 21, 2015 | Tags | Addons Farming Food Magic |
For those times when MagicalCrops don't add their crops to MinefactoryReloaded.
Simple mod to add:
- All magical crop seeds to the MFR planter
- All magical crop crops (blocks) to the harvester.