Mod MaLiLib by masady

  • MaLiLib by masady

    A library mod required for masa's client-side mods
    • 5431237
    • 532.57 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • September 16, 2018
    • August 25, 2023
    • API and Library
Mod Information
NameMaLiLibAuthormasadyDescriptionA library mod required for masa's client-side mods
InformationDownloads: 5431237
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 532.57 KB
Updated at: August 25, 2023
Created at: September 16, 2018
API and Library


MaLiLib is a library mod containing shared code for masa's client-side mods.
Basically it contains all the configuration options, keybind stuff, most of the GUI code and a bunch of other utility stuff for the mods that use it.
(The name is just short for masa's Litemod Library, because I have zero imagination... [since it was first created for the LiteLoader versions of the mods])

Make sure to get the correct mod version from the Files page!!
Note: There are both Fabric and Forge versions for 1.14.4 and later MC versions, look at the file name to get the correct version!

The file name always indicates the mod loader (for example Fabric vs. Forge) and the Minecraft version:
malilib-<mod loader>-<MC version>-<mod version>.jar

For example:

Malilib is required by the following mods, starting from the indicated versions:

The exact required version of malilib for each mod version will be indicated in the changelog of each of the dependent mods.

Basically when some mod requires a newer version of malilib, then all the other dependent mods will also get an update at the same time, if the change in malilib breaks compatibility. Normally breaking changes should hopefully be rare.

Basically you should be able to always use the latest version of malilib for any of the dependent mods, at least if you update them all at the same time, as you always should.
TL;DR; Update everything at once!

Starting from the 0.10.0-dev.19 version of malilib, the only required part of Fabric API is embedded inside malilib, so you don't need to get the Fabric API mod separately anymore just for my mods.

For MC 1.13.x you should note that only 1.13.2 is supported, so you need Rift for 1.13.2 from Chocohead's fork.


Rift 1.13.2 installation (if you play Minecraft 1.13.2):

- Make sure you have Java 8 installed (Java 9 or newer won't work with Rift)

Option 1 - Use the MultiMC launcher (I personally recommend this!):

Option 2 - To install Rift 1.13.2 to the vanilla launcher:

  • First download the Rift installer from here: jitpack-aeee80c1fb-1/Rift-jitpack-aeee80c1fb-1.jar
  • Close the Minecraft launcher if you have it running
  • Double click the Rift jar it to run it
  • If it installed successfully, then open the equivalent of the file C:\Users\masa\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions\1.13.2-rift-1.0.4-SNAPSHOT\1.13.2-rift-1.0.4-SNAPSHOT.json ( depending on your OS and user name etc.) in a text editor
  • Inside the libraries array, on the com.github.Chocohead:Rift line, replace the SNAPSHOT string with aeee80c1fb-1
  • Save the file
  • Done.
  • The game should now launch with Rift installed when you launch it using the 1.13.2-rift-1.0.4-SNAPSHOT profile in the vanilla launcher.
  • Image of how the json file should look like after the edit:

If you have questions or need help with something, the best/fastest way to get answers is on my Discord server.