Mod Macaw's Bridges - Biome O' Plenty by Samlegamer_
- 494.85 KB
- 1.20.1
- October 3, 2021
- July 24, 2023
- AddonsCosmetic
Mod Information
Name | Macaw's Bridges - Biome O' Plenty | Author | Samlegamer_ | Description | A compatibility between Macaw's Bridges and the different woods and stones of Biome O' Plenty |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.20.1 Size: 494.85 KB Updated at: July 24, 2023 Created at: October 3, 2021 | Tags | Addons Cosmetic |
This mod adds compatibility between Macaw's Bridges and Biome O' Plenty, have you always dreamed of making a bridge out of cherry wood... well thanks to this mod it is now something possible!
Dependencies :
Biome O' Plenty
Macaw's Bridges
Only for 1.18+
Oh The Biomes You'll Go Compat ?
1.12.2 ?
Unfortunately I can't put this mod in 1.12.2 because of a bug with the Macaw's Bridges api (the bridges created via the Macaw's Bridges 1.12 classes replace the original bridges and change the modid so all the bridges of the original mod don't have textures anymore)